Dedication of Mrs. Wes Doty
Quiet efficiency, capable influence, and gracious charm are the particular qualities of our Mrs. Wes Doty, o n e of Central's most valuable and helpful personalities. Her unassuming way has endeared her to every member of the student body and faculty. In her position in the Commercial Department she has had unlimited contacts with every student, who will remember her as the perfect example of Central.
Perhaps those who have greater opportunity to know her and appreciate her personality are the faculty members, with whom she has worked for several years. She has taught in the grammer school and endeared herself to the students outside of her duties as a commercial instructor. As we have grown to our present class room performances with her we have realized her faithful guidance and understanding.
It is because of these qualities that we dedicate this book to Mrs. Wes Doty, a Never-ending source of inspiration to all who know her.