Page 3 - 1947_Yearbook
P. 3

CHS Class of 1947

        The CHS 1947 album has 221 students. 38 seniors, 27 juniors, 43 sophomores, 48 freshmen, 22 eighth grade, 19
        seventh grade, and 24 sixth grade members.

        There are 13 faculty members. 10 high school and 3 elementary school members.

        High School Faculty:

            1.  Carline Brower
            2.  Charles V. Cooper - Principal
            3.  Joe T. Herndon - Superintendent
            4.  Anita Herndon
            5.  Wade B. Horn
            6.  Margaret Jenkins
            7.  Clarice Thomason

        There is no Elementary Faculty published in this yearbook.

               Seniors:                                              24. Broodie Norman McMackin
                                                                     25. Eugene McMackin
                   1.  Katharyn Allen                                26. Ina Bell McMackin
                   2.  Juanita Bain                                  27. Ben Allen McPherson
                   3.  Billy Bennett                                 28. Pete Moore
                   4.  Billy Gene Bobbitt                            29. Nell Henry Myers  (Treasurer)
                   5.  Harold Boswell  (Vice-President)              30. Evelyn Prince
                   6.  Anita Bray                                    31. Wallace Roland
                   7.  Luke Brown                                    32. Anita Shaw
                   8.  Aline Cary                                    33. Mary Ann Smith
                   9.  Cletus Cobb                                   34. Joe Thompson
                   10. Ralph Eugene Dolan                            35. Joseph L. "Buddy" Webb
                   11. Jeannine Eason                                36. A. Boonie White, Jr. (President)
                   12. Doris Fields                                  37. Tommy Wright  (Salutatorian)
                   13. Alfred Neil French                            38. William Derald Wyatt
                   14. Marie Futrell
                   15. Beatrice Glosson
                   16. Jaunita Hammett  (Secretary)               Juniors:
                   17. Jenny Hargrove                                1.  Edith Allen
                   18. Thelma Webb Harris                            2.  Jenny Baker
                   19. Junior Herndon                                3.  Charles Bonds
                   20. Martha Jean Herring                           4.  Louise Crawley
                                                                     5.  Betty Corlew - Treasurer
                   21. Weldon Jordan                                 6.  Garland England
                   22. Fred Mabry                                    7.  Rebecca Forrest
                   23. Norma Louise Massey                           8.  Peggy Garvey
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