Page 19 - 1950-Yearbook
P. 19
c. V. COOPER. Football 1; lOBBY SPOON, Basketball
Band 3, 4; 4·H Club I, 2: 3, 4; Annual Staff 4.
"I have reached the Roal which four years ago I set,
The goal tor which J worked, studied. and toughr."
This thought is passing through our minds today-
Yes, this is every senior's thought.
Now Is the time to set another goal,
But this goaJ will be for life
Reaching this goal will mean enduring hardships,
Worries, griefs, and even strife.
Sonic of us will reach our goal;
Others will fall by the wayside
Some will becomedrifters like the sand;
Other will flow like the tide.
Who be the drlf!el'S Or who be the tide
Will be determined at Life's end,
But now as we set out to conquer years ahead,
With our might and strength. our hacks we'll" hC'flo
As we oassfrom our high school days,
To our teachers we leave our esteem.
To them we ~ive thanks for their zutdancc:
II possible, our rauns we'd redeem.
To the lower classmen and tlie generations to come
These words today we say;
make the best of the opportunities bctore you,
And soon you will reach Our positions of today.
o Central High, as we go OUtof your doors,
Our hearts are filled with sadness;
, Yet as we leok to the bright (uNlre ahead,
We can but feel in our hearts true
AS the Itrst sound the dea! man hears,
As the first sight the blind man sees
You, 0 Central High. will remain to us
One of our dearest memories.
-.By Betty Banks
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