Page 69 - 1950-Yearbook
P. 69


                                                          Completely Departmentalized


                                                         ioos COMMUNITY SERVICE


                                     SOUND BUSINESS AND THE ADVANTAGE OF SOUND BA.NKING

                                              ALONG WITH OUR DESIRE AND ABILITY TO SERVE

                                                               Total Resources Over $2,000,000.00

                                                       A NAME THAT GROWS WITH THE YEARS

                                                                           HOME BANK

                                   BRUCETON                                TENNESSEE                                 HOLLOvV ROCK

                                                                              Organized 1924

                                         MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION

                                                                        BETHEL COLLEGE

                                                                        Me'KENZIE, TENNESSEE

                                      A liberal arts Chria'Lan college with a Iour-ye ar prograrn leadin.g to B. A.

                                 and B. S. Degrees.          Fxcr-llcnt courses in music, speech, dramatics,                education,
                                 commerce,      and physical       educatlcn     with lrncr-coltcg iatc aLh~ptics.

                                                     Winter Quarter Opens January 3. 1950

                                     High Standards -                  Co-Educational              -     Reas:-.:)nableRates

                                                                                              nov X. BAKER, PRESIDENT

                                                           FREED--HARDE MAN COLLEGE

                                                               A Standard            Iunior College

                                                         Where You Get More For Less Cost

                                              WRITE F01l. LITERATURE --                       HENDERSON, TENNESSEE
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