Vernon Spencer
Vernon Spencer
Vernon, Hoover Spencer, Jr.
October 26, 1941 - December 9, 1959
Bruceton-Youth Dies of Wound - Vernon.H. Spencer 18, an appointee to the United States Military Academy at West Point, accidentally killed himself in his; home Friday morning. Spencer was found by his aunt, Mrs. W. E. Brower, when she brought him his lunch about 11 Friday morning. Sheriff Scarbrough; said, he was lying on his bed with a bullet hole in his right temple. The pistol was at his feet. There, was only one shell in the pistol. After an investigation, his death was listed as probably accidental.
Spencer was a top student at the Bruceton High School and had been captain of the high school's football team. He made Who's Who at the school and was a member of the Beta Club. He was president of the senior class when he was graduated in June of this year. He would have entered West Point in June 1960. He had attended Castle Hieghts Military Academy and University of Tennessee Martin Branch.
He was born at Potts Camp, Miss. and was a member of the Methodist Church. He leaves his mother, Mrs. Wilma Spencer, a brother, Larry Spencer and two grandparents. Services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Bruceton Methodist Church. The Rev. Donald Moorehead officiated. Burial was An the New Hope .Cemetery:. near Yuma.