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CHS Class of 1970

The CHS Class graduated 50 students.

Julia Dean Allen
David Wayne Barnhill
Louis Hearn, Jr. Bogle
Joyce Ann Bryant
Edward Steven Cary
Robert Michael Cooper - Secretary
Betsy Wanda Crider
Karen Rose Dove - President
Kathi Alice Dove
Emily Dunlap
Elizabeth Marie Edwards
Murray Gordon Ford, Jr.
Jennifer Jo Freeland
Brenda Gail French
Kenneth Ray Garton
Linda Janet Glover
Candace Suzanne Hall
Carolyn Lois Hampton
Linda Gail Harrington
Joseph Donald Higdon
Tony Stephen Hollingsworth - Vice-President
Bobby Joe Hollowell
Nancy Christine Horton
Marna Earline Hudspeth
Linda Faye Joyner
Timothy Wayne Joyner
Anne Morrow Keeton
Judy Lou King
Billy Ray Lowe
Gary Lee McMilliin - Treasurer
Helen Diane Murchison
James Edward Nesbitt, Jr.
William Arthur Pace
Nelson McKenly Park
Phyllis Ann Park
Theodore Raymond Peirce - Sergeant-at-Arms
Cindy Lou Pruitt
Daniel Morris Roberts
Stephen Dan Rook
Mary Katheryn Sade
James Luke Sanders
Weldon Taylor Smothers
Linda Mae Swift - Reporter
Linda Evelyn Thorne
Larry Dale Turner
James Wayne Webb
Leo Herbert Wilkinson
Janet Marian Willis
Janis Marie Willis
John Richard Wood