CHS Class of 1940

The class of 1940 graduated 36 students and was staffed by 7 faculty members. PhotoGallery Index
- Cora Bomar
- Charles V. Cooper - (Principal)
- W. L. Darnall - (Superintendent)
- R. J. Sedberry
- Miss Marjorie Smith
- Billy Taylor

- Edna Bayless
- Thelma Bennett
- Rebecca Blackwell
- Kathleen Bowers
- Thomas Boyd
- John Colombus Bronw
- Ava Clark
- Jaems Cooper
- Charles Cox
- Oliver Foust
- Willie May Franklin
- Azexzene Fulgum
- Christine Hardin
- Elmon Harris
- Madolyn Hay
- Imogene Holladay
- Glamis Holland
- Elree Louis Horton
- Lionel Hudson
- Mary Jordan
- Fannie Sue Kee
- Tupie Kee
- Eloise Kyle
- Maurice Lowry
- Nettie Lee Neal
- Frences Park
- Ruby Lee Pinkley
- Louis Sedberry
- Stanford Sedberry
- Marjorie Spoon
- Marion Taylor
- Lucy Walker
- Mildred Webb
- Mona Winter
- Charles Wright
- Thomas Wright
