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Mark Arnold Class of 1977 Passes

Teri Coleman Class of 1971 Passes

Betty Robbins Class of 1964 Passes

 Junior Abbott Class of 1968Passes

Carolyn Neal Class of 1956 Passes

  Tracye Jernigan Class of 1983 Passes

Donald Williams Class of 1958 Passes

Virgie Lee Pierce Class of 1957 Passes 

Douglas Bullington Class of 1967 Passes

Virginia Smith Class of 1953 Passes

Angie Nance Class of 1990 Passes

Sheryl Tolbert Class of 1966 Passes

Doris Arnold Retired Teacher's Assistant Passes 

Tonya Laws Class of 1983 Passes

Deborah Blackwell Class of 1968 Passess

Pete Smith Class of 1956 Passes

Robert Earl Smith Class of 1969 Passes

Mary Virginia Mebane Retired Teacher Passes

Jerry Cole Class of 1961 Passes

Darryl Snyder Class of 1962 Passes

Charlotte Hollingsworth Class of 1974 Passes

Jerry "Pee Wee" Massey Class of 1965 Passes

Joe Donald Grooms Class of 1965 Passes

Kenneth Walker Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Glisson Class of 1955 Passes

Gene Lowe Class of 1952 Passes

Billy Dodd Class of 1955 Passes

Kenneth Frazee Class of 1958 Passes

Cordell Harris, Jr. Class of 1955 Passes

Ronnie Joyner Class of 1962 Passes

Carole Snyder Class of 1959 Passes

Patricia Fowler Class of 1967 Passes

Kenneth Pinkston Class of 1973 Passes

Marsha Roberts Class of 1974 Passes

James Williams Class of 1986 Passes

Kevin Rogers Class of 1980 Passes

Cayce Wyatt Class of 1961 Passes

Ina Belle Vaughn Class of 1950 Passes

Jimmie Lee Hendrix Class of 1965 Passes

Regina Arnold Class of 1974 Passes

Robert Brown Class of 1985 Passes

Gayle Lampley Class of 1966 Passes

 Ralph Mitchell Class of 1946 Passes

Peggy Howe Class of 1961 Passes 

Aby Hampton Class of 1995 Passes

Rita Rushing Class of 1963 Passes

Sandra Allen Class of 1963 Passes

Jerry Kelley Class of 1965 Passes

Jane Webb Class of 1946 Passes

Sue Johnson Class of 1971 Passes

Carolyn Evans Walters Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Hamton Class of 1963 Passes

Ruth Smothers Class of 1971 Passes

Joe "Red Bear" Harrington Class of 1963 Passes

Darren Wilks Class of 1978 Passes

Karen Kortvely Class of 1965 Passes

Michael Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Betty Ford Class of 1957 Passes

Carolyn Bond Retired Teacher's Aid

Luke Kee Class of 1963 Passes

Karen Hampton Lifsey Class of 1968 Passes

Marjorie Vowell Class of 1957 Passes

Dawn Pekarchick Class of 1976 Passes

hilip McMillin Class of 1969 Passes

Joan Butler Class of 1951 Passess

Glenda Robison Class of 1964 Passes 

Class of 1967 Reunion in 2022

Floyd Cole Class of 1949 Passes

Julia Cavender Class of 1951 Passes

Bobbie Jean Dove Class of 1957 Passes

Rickey Lee Bowker Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Ann Pierce Class of 1967 Passes

Renee Hopper Class of 1973 Passes

Charles Melton Class of 1973 Passes

Bethany Wright Class of 1975 Passes

Mark Edward Jameson Class of 1985 Passes 

Troy Smothers Former School Board Member Passes

Natalie Park Class of 1985 Passes

John Davis Class of 1985 Passes

Added The Class of 2004

Gail Shawl Class of 1971 Passes

Jonte Willis Class of 2002 Passes

Added Class of 2005

Loretta Harris Class of 1962 Passes

Jimmie Turneer Class of 1960 Passes

Debbie Durden Class of 1974 Passes

Jimmy Carey, Jr. Cass of 1989 Passes

Mark Campbell Class of 2009 Passes

Carolyn Ellis Class of 1967 (DNG) Passes

 Added The Class of 2003

Paul Williams Class of 1966 Passes

Added The Class of 2002

James Larry Cooper Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Lou Reed Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Zachary Knuutila Class of 2010 Passes

Gene McMackins Class of 1955 Passess

John Lewis Class of 1981 Passes

Ray Luther Class of 1968 Passes

Bobby Joe Geans Class of 1958 Passes

Joseph Hernndon Class of 1966 Passes

Bobby Blankenship Class of 1968 Passes

Joe Barker Class of 1963 (DNG)

Corey Emerson Class of 2016 (DNG)

Preston Young Class of 2013 Passes

Nicholas Baker Class of 1997 Passesr

Celia Harris Class of 1975 Passes

Ruth Joyner Class of 1946 Passes

Sherry Cox Class of 1952 Passes

Beth Cary Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Durden Class of 1957 Passes

Jimmy Glisson Class of 1963 Passes

Jimmy Hammett Class of 1968 Passes

Frankie Howard Chapple Class of 1978 Passes

Timothy McCauley Class of 1981 Passes

Roy Holladay Class of 1965 Passes

Thomas Michael Pekarchick Class of 1981 Passes

Jim Doty Class of 1943 Passes

Jimmy French Class of 1962 Passes

Gary Selph Class of 1969 Passes

John Wayne Boyd Class of 1967 Passes

Bill Sills Class of 1958 Passes

Ted Lowry Class of 1953 Passed

Added The Class of 2001

Tony Haskins Class of 1976 Passes

Mickey Butler Class of 1979 Passes 

Janet Neely Class of 1967 Passes

Marcus Wallace Class of 1987 Passes

James "Sonny" Daniel Class of 1957 Passes

Ronnie Barker Class of 1968 Passes

Kelly Lynn Mitchell Class of 1997 Passes

Bobby Bouldin Class of 1959 Passes

Tim Joyner Class of 1970 Passes

Rebecca Gambling Class of 1957 Passes

Carol Jean Elkins Class of 1961 Passes

Norman Hillard Class of 1960 Passes

Gary Johnston Class of 1972 Passes

Henry Elbern Turner Class of 1956 Passes

Jimmy Dale Harris Class of 1966 Passes

Patrick Hicks Class of 1990 Passes

Clay Wilson Class of 1973 Passes

Nelle Smothers Class of 1951 Passes

Gina Harrington Class of 1985 Passes

Corey Allen Class of 1997 Passes

Beckie Cole Class of 1964 Passes

Anna Atchley Class of 1966 Passes (Recent found obituary)

Sammie Larkinns Clas of 1855 Passes

Tony Davis Class of 1966 (DNG) Passes

Phyllis Goodman Class of 1964 Passes

Rita Pace Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Aline Cary Class of 1947 Passes

Jerry Young Class of 1960 Passes

Frances Moore Class of 1962 Passes

Cheryl Tucker Anderson Class of 1969 Passes

Joe Hendrix Class of 1974 Passes

Harold Allen Stevens Class of 2008 Passes

Christine Mathis Class of 1942 Passes

David Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Class of 1969 Reunion in 2019

Ted Harrell Presson Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Woodard Class of 1958 Passes

Ryan Bennett Class of 2008 Passes

Melba Luckett, Former Teacher Passes

Nelda King Class of 1962 Passes

Jeffrey Pierce Class of 1985 Passes



CHS Class of 1961 Reunion in 2015




Hollow Rock-Bruceton CHS Class of 1961 reunites
CLASS OF ’61 REUNION - The Hollow Rock-Bruceton CHS Class of 1961 held a class reunion Saturday, May 23, 2015 at the Community Room of the Bank of Camden. Those in attendance were: (front, from left) Martha Turner Griffin, Winona Wilson Yarbro, Dottie Baker Bridgers, Lillian Cooper Rice Hicks, Patsy Williams Higdon, Linda Larkins Lowe and Glenda Smothers Sparks; (Middle, from left) Sue Riley Wine, Peggy Howe Higdon, Carolyn Groom Patton, Virginia Traywick Durrwachter, Mary Ann Blankenship Leggett, Anne Jordan Scalzo, Linda Medlin Liles, Louellen Glosson Holley and John Page; (back, from left) Derreld Robison, Bobby Moore, Larry Page, Jerry Cole and Ronnie Smothers.


The Hollow Rock-Bruceton Central High School graduating Class of 1961 held a class reunion on Saturday, May 23, 2015, at the Bank of Camden Community Building in Camden. The tables were beautifully decorated with blue and white table coverings and centerpieces of glasses and candles. The group met at 4 p.m. with a time of greeting each other, getting re-acquainted and reviving old friendships. During this time trays of vegetables, fruit and dip were enjoyed as music from the 50s and 60s played in the background. A table of pictures and school memorabilia were on display for all to see and re-live their school days. The memorial table displayed pictures of our deceased classmates with a burning candle placed at each picture. Those deceased classmates included: Peggy White, Billy Furr Wyatt, Larry Mitchell, Charlotte Cawthon Spencer, Mary Glosson Taylor Duncan, Daniel Devault, Billy Darden, Neil Ray Haynes, Karen Herndon Miller, Alice Whitehead King and Ruby Cole Kizer.

A delicious meal was served at 5:30 including tossed green salad, pork loin, Alice Springs chicken, Italian green beans, cheesy creamed potatoes, corn casserole, rolls, cream cheese strawberry cake and chocolate éclair cake dessert. Invocation was given by Derreld Robison. After dinner, class president

Larry Page presided over a short program beginning with a moment of silence to remember each of the deceased classmates after calling their names. The program continued with each one sharing information about themselves; also, a time of remembering our comical storytelling by Larry Yarbro. Larry Page gave the benediction.

A wonderful and enjoyable evening was had by all 21 classmates and their guests. In attendance were: Dottie Baker Bridgers, Germantown; Jerry Cole, Winona Wilson Yarbro (Larry), Glenda Smothers Sparks (Carmen), Camden; Virginia Traywick Durrwachter, Bowling Green, Ky; Martha Turner Griffin (Danny Underwood), Jackson; Lillian Cooper Rice Hicks (Jimmy), Peggy Howe Higdon (Harry), Hollow Rock; Patsy Williams Higdon (B.J.), Yuma; Louellen Glosson Holley, Bobby Moore (Carol), Bruceton; Mary Anne Blankenship Leggett (Don), Medina; Linda Medlin Liles (Tony), Clinton; Linda Larkins Lowe, John Page, Huntingdon; Larry Page (Susan), Tampa, Fla; Carolyn Grooms Patton (Norman), Eads; Derreld Robison (Nancy), Buena Vista; Anne Jordan Scalzo, Bartlett; Ronnie Smothers (Kay), Waverly; Sue Riley Wine, Poland, Ohio, with guest Brenda Pinson from Bruceton. [Source: Carroll County News-Leader]