CHS Class of 1961

The 1961 album has 341 students. 41 seniors, 42 juniors, 57 sophomores, 62 freshmen, 49 eighth
grade, 36 seventh grade, 26 sixth grade, and 28 fifth grade members.
There are 15 faculty members. 12 high school and 5 elementary school members. Mr. Reed and Miss Jenkins taught
both high school and elementary school.
Click here for the 1961: PhotoGallery Yearbook
High School Faculty:
- Carlene Brower (Math & English - B.S. in Social Studies)
- Charles V. Cooper (Mathematics - B.S. in Social Studies)
- Mrs. Wes Doty (Business - B.S. in Business)
- Joe T. Herndon (Superintendent - B.S. in Physical Ed.)
- Mrs. Joe T. Herndon (English, Guidance Director, Sociology - A.B. in English)
- Wade B. Horn (Science, - B.S in Agriculture)
- Miss Margaret Jenkins (Music - A.B. in English)
- W.D. King (Social Sciences & Physical Education - B.S. in Physical Ed.)
- Mrs. Orville Pace (Home Economics & Science - B.S. in Home Economics)
- Harold Reed (Phsyical Education, Coach - M.A. in Health Education)
- Tommy Richardson (Physical Education - B.S. in Biology)
- Miss Marjorie Smith (French, English - B.S. in Education)
Elementary Faculty:
- Miss Margaret Jenkins - Eight Grade
- Mr. Harold Reed - Eighth Grade
- Mrs. Wright - Seventh Grade
- Mrs. Jewel Goodman - Sixth Grade
- Mrs. Ruth Elkins - Fifth Grade

- Dottie Lee Baker
- Jeffery Bayer
- Sammy Bell
- Mary Ann Blankenship - Class Officer
- Charlotte Ann Cawthon
- Jerry Cole
- Ruby Cole
- Lillian Cooper
- Billy Darden
- Danny Devault
- Steve Dove
- Carol Elkins
- Louellen Glosson
- Mary Frances Glosson
- Kay Gowan
- Carolyn Grooms
- Lula Belle Hale (No picture available)
- William Roy Hammett
- Neil Ray Haynes
- Karen Herndon
- Jimmy Holladay
- Joyce Houston
- Peggie Howe
- Anne Jordan - Class Officer
- Linda Larkins
- James Larry Mitchell
- Bobby Moore - Class Officer
- Johnny Page
- Larry Page - Class Officer
- Sue Riley
- Derreld Robison
- Glenda Smothers
- Ronnie Smothers - Class Officer
- Mrtha Turner - Class Officer
- Billy Joe Walker
- Mary Carolyn (Peggy White)
- Alice Whitehead
- Patsy Williams
- Winona Wilson
- Billy Furr Wyatt
- Cayce Wyatt

- Diane Agnew
- Sandra Arnold
- Jan Aylor
- Thomas Butler
- Jane Cary
- Charlotte Cunningham
- Joyce Douglas
- Rebecca Eubanks
- Jimmy Franklin
- Sue Frazee
- Jimmy French - Sergeant-at-Arms
- Wanda Green
- Loretta Harris
- Harry Higdon
- Elree Horton
- Ronnie Joyner
- Steve Joyner - Vice-President
- Patricia Kee
- Nelda King
- Charles Lankford
- Betsy Maddox
- Jackie McGee
- Frances Moore - Secretary
- Ray Neal
- Bennie Palmer
- Dale Phipps
- Kay Randle
- Brenda Riley
- Barbara Sarratt
- Bob Scott
- Joe Scott
- Betty Smith
- Billy Smith
- Darryl Snyder - President
- Mary James Taylor
- Ruth Ann Thorne - Reporter
- Allen Tolbert
- Kenneth Turner
- Rebecca Walker
- Rita Wiles
- Judy Wood - Treasurer
- Katie Wright

- Sandra Allen
- Joe Barker - Sergeant-at-Arms
- Janet Brown
- Timothy Butler
- Walters Charles
- Karen Cole
- Brooxie Davis
- Leon Davis
- Jo Ann Douglas
- Johnnie Ruth Dunn
- Alice Durden
- Joe Evans
- Elizabeth Fields
- Jimmy Ford
- Jimmy Glisson
- Barbara Hampton
- Howard Hampton
- Joe Harrington
- Bobby Heinbach
- Robert Higdon - Vice-President
- Thelma Hilliard
- Carolyn Hodge
- Betty Hollingsworth
- Peggy Horn
- Barbara Jordan
- Ricky Jordan
- Virginia Joyner
- Lida Kee
- Lucian Kee - Treasurer
- Jimmy Kizer
- Carolyn Kyle
- Kenneth McMackins
- Sarita Melton
- Shirley Miller
- Theresa Mitchell - Reporter
- Wayne Neely
- Pamela Noles
- Nica Pace
- Junior Parish
- Judy Park
- Diane Powley
- Faye Ridings
- Harold Rushing
- Rita Rushing
- Killie Scott
- Bailey Simmons
- Darrell Smothers
- Susan Stanford
- Kay Thorne - Secretary
- Patricia Webb
- Charles White
- Rosa Whitehead - President
- Billy Williams
- Phyllis Williams
- Mary Willis
- Ronnie Wood
- W.L. Wyatt

- Clara Abbott
- Harold Allen
- Peggy Atkinson
- Diana Barnhart
- Jim Taylor Bayless - Sergeant-at-Arms
- Joan Bobbitt
- Chery Bogle - Treasurer
- Martha Brobinson
- Barbara Brock
- Landis Brown
- E. H. Butler
- Rebecca Cole
- Ray Davis
- Steve Davis
- David Elkins - No picture available
- Loucretia Ellis - Secretary
- Jean Evans
- Elbert Fields
- Mildred Fields
- Linda Foster
- Peggie French
- Rita Glisson
- Nolan Glosson
- Phyllis Goodman
- David Guerin
- Diane Hall
- Billy Hamlin
- Sandra Hedges
- Terry Hilliard
- Robert Hodge
- John H. Hogin - President
- Larry Hollingsworth
- Billy Hollowell
- Randy Ingram
- Faye Janes
- Craig Jordan
- Alice Fay Kee
- Mary Ann Kee
- Treva Kee
- Anna Laura Massey
- Linda Matheny
- Carol McAlexander
- Sandra McLeod
- Kenny McMillin - Reporter
- Dorothy L. Mitchell
- Stanley Morgan
- Gene Pickler
- Dwayne Pierce
- Steve Pinkston
- Tony Pinson
- Betty Jean Robbins
- Glenda Joan Robinson
- Cresten Rogers
- Billy Sade - Vice-President
- Richard Scott
- Brenda Smith
- Brian Turner
- Charlie M. Turner
- Harold Turner
- John Walker
- Joel Williams
- Rosemary Wilson

There were two eighth grade classes. They are listed by teacher.
Eighth Grade: Mr. Harold Reed - Teacher
- Jim Bob Agnew
- Ginger Atchley
- Tommy Baker President (Mr. Reed, Teacher)
- Gary Barnes
- Rodney Bullington
- Wesley Cary
- Kay Corlew - Reporter
- Danny Daws
- Pamela Hollingsworth
- Jimmy Joyner
- Karen Kortvely - Librarian
- Donna Merrell - Treasurer
- Kenneth Miller
- Charles Moore
- Caroline Pinkston
- Steven Reed
- Betty Riggs
- Sandra Shawl
- Phyllis Smothers
- Wayne Thorne
- Larry Vick - Vice-President
- Mary Alice Wiles
- Nan Wright
- Howell Wyatt

Eighth Grade: Miss Margaret Jenkins - Teacher
- Ross Cole
- Charles Cooper
- Tony Deaton - Vice-President
- Lillie Dillingham
- Danny Ferguson
- Leon Garton
- Jordan Greengrass - President
- Jackie Hendrix
- Roy Holladay - Librarian
- Ivey Horton - Reporter
- Danny Hollingsworth
- Jackie Jordan
- Sue Kizer
- Donald Lowe
- Carolyn Loveall
- Jennie McMillin - Treasurer
- Terry Mitchell
- Phillip Nolan
- Labartha Rushing
- Wilma Rushing - Secretary
- Nancy Sills
- Patricia Smothers
- James Watson
- James Wilkinson
- Karen Wyatt

Seventh Grade: Teacher - Mrs. Wright
- Linda Allen
- Anna Atchley
- Ronald Barker
- Patsy Barnhill
- Sandra Cole - Reporter
- Linda Cole
- Mikey Corrado - Secretary/Treasurer
- Bennie Paul Dillingham
- Nicki Foust
- Barbara Futrell
- Charles Glosson
- Larry Harrington
- Joseph Herndon - President
- Johnny Hilliard
- Virginia Hilliard
- Johnny Holladay
- Kendell Hurt
- Brent Jackson
- Homer Jones
- Bobbie Ann Joyner
- Danny Joyner
- Joan Kortvely
- Anna Gail Lampley
- Tommie Miller
- Cecilia Mitchell
- Larry Reed
- Ricky Reed - Vice-President
- Charles Riggs
- Carolyn Sade
- Barbara Sills
- Richard Sills
- Danny Snider
- Jack Turner
- Lynda Vick
- Brian Walters
- Betty Lou Webb

Sixth Grade: Teacher - Mrs. Goodman
- Alan Agnew - President
- Michael Anderson
- Vickie Cox
- Helen Epperson
- Cheta Garton - Secretary
- David Glisson
- Linda Glisson
- Jerry Glosson
- Pamela Glosson
- Troy Hollingsworth - Vice-President
- Diane Hudson
- Linda Hurt
- Sarah Lawrence
- Judy May
- Janet Neely
- Chas Patterson
- Mary Ann Pierce
- Stanley Pinkston
- Ted Presson
- Billy Raymer
- David Robinson
- Howard Siegel - Sergeant-at-Arms
- Joe Max Smith
- Susan Taylor - Treasurer
- Kenneth Walker
- Linda Watson - Reporter

Fifth Grade: Teacher - Mrs. Elkins
- James, Jr. Abbott
- Deborah Blackwell - Secretary
- William Clifton
- Wallace Douglas
- Joan Greengrass
- Brenda Grooms
- Linda Grooms
- Karen Hampton
- Sheron Hastings - Treasurer
- Samuel Hogin
- Joan Horn
- Diane Jordan
- Sandra Kirk - Reporter
- Stewart Lawrence - Vice-President
- Kenneth Lowe
- Ray Bob Luther
- Phyllis Matrone
- Jerry Medlin
- Jerry Neal
- Judy Neal
- Donna Ozier
- Jones Philip
- Sandra Pratt
- Howell Reeves
- Mary Louise Riggs
- Dianne Smothers
- Stephen Teague
- Joyce Thorne - President