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Mark Arnold Class of 1977 Passes

Teri Coleman Class of 1971 Passes

Betty Robbins Class of 1964 Passes

 Junior Abbott Class of 1968Passes

Carolyn Neal Class of 1956 Passes

  Tracye Jernigan Class of 1983 Passes

Donald Williams Class of 1958 Passes

Virgie Lee Pierce Class of 1957 Passes 

Douglas Bullington Class of 1967 Passes

Virginia Smith Class of 1953 Passes

Angie Nance Class of 1990 Passes

Sheryl Tolbert Class of 1966 Passes

Doris Arnold Retired Teacher's Assistant Passes 

Tonya Laws Class of 1983 Passes

Deborah Blackwell Class of 1968 Passess

Pete Smith Class of 1956 Passes

Robert Earl Smith Class of 1969 Passes

Mary Virginia Mebane Retired Teacher Passes

Jerry Cole Class of 1961 Passes

Darryl Snyder Class of 1962 Passes

Charlotte Hollingsworth Class of 1974 Passes

Jerry "Pee Wee" Massey Class of 1965 Passes

Joe Donald Grooms Class of 1965 Passes

Kenneth Walker Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Glisson Class of 1955 Passes

Gene Lowe Class of 1952 Passes

Billy Dodd Class of 1955 Passes

Kenneth Frazee Class of 1958 Passes

Cordell Harris, Jr. Class of 1955 Passes

Ronnie Joyner Class of 1962 Passes

Carole Snyder Class of 1959 Passes

Patricia Fowler Class of 1967 Passes

Kenneth Pinkston Class of 1973 Passes

Marsha Roberts Class of 1974 Passes

James Williams Class of 1986 Passes

Kevin Rogers Class of 1980 Passes

Cayce Wyatt Class of 1961 Passes

Ina Belle Vaughn Class of 1950 Passes

Jimmie Lee Hendrix Class of 1965 Passes

Regina Arnold Class of 1974 Passes

Robert Brown Class of 1985 Passes

Gayle Lampley Class of 1966 Passes

 Ralph Mitchell Class of 1946 Passes

Peggy Howe Class of 1961 Passes 

Aby Hampton Class of 1995 Passes

Rita Rushing Class of 1963 Passes

Sandra Allen Class of 1963 Passes

Jerry Kelley Class of 1965 Passes

Jane Webb Class of 1946 Passes

Sue Johnson Class of 1971 Passes

Carolyn Evans Walters Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Hamton Class of 1963 Passes

Ruth Smothers Class of 1971 Passes

Joe "Red Bear" Harrington Class of 1963 Passes

Darren Wilks Class of 1978 Passes

Karen Kortvely Class of 1965 Passes

Michael Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Betty Ford Class of 1957 Passes

Carolyn Bond Retired Teacher's Aid

Luke Kee Class of 1963 Passes

Karen Hampton Lifsey Class of 1968 Passes

Marjorie Vowell Class of 1957 Passes

Dawn Pekarchick Class of 1976 Passes

hilip McMillin Class of 1969 Passes

Joan Butler Class of 1951 Passess

Glenda Robison Class of 1964 Passes 

Class of 1967 Reunion in 2022

Floyd Cole Class of 1949 Passes

Julia Cavender Class of 1951 Passes

Bobbie Jean Dove Class of 1957 Passes

Rickey Lee Bowker Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Ann Pierce Class of 1967 Passes

Renee Hopper Class of 1973 Passes

Charles Melton Class of 1973 Passes

Bethany Wright Class of 1975 Passes

Mark Edward Jameson Class of 1985 Passes 

Troy Smothers Former School Board Member Passes

Natalie Park Class of 1985 Passes

John Davis Class of 1985 Passes

Added The Class of 2004

Gail Shawl Class of 1971 Passes

Jonte Willis Class of 2002 Passes

Added Class of 2005

Loretta Harris Class of 1962 Passes

Jimmie Turneer Class of 1960 Passes

Debbie Durden Class of 1974 Passes

Jimmy Carey, Jr. Cass of 1989 Passes

Mark Campbell Class of 2009 Passes

Carolyn Ellis Class of 1967 (DNG) Passes

 Added The Class of 2003

Paul Williams Class of 1966 Passes

Added The Class of 2002

James Larry Cooper Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Lou Reed Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Zachary Knuutila Class of 2010 Passes

Gene McMackins Class of 1955 Passess

John Lewis Class of 1981 Passes

Ray Luther Class of 1968 Passes

Bobby Joe Geans Class of 1958 Passes

Joseph Hernndon Class of 1966 Passes

Bobby Blankenship Class of 1968 Passes

Joe Barker Class of 1963 (DNG)

Corey Emerson Class of 2016 (DNG)

Preston Young Class of 2013 Passes

Nicholas Baker Class of 1997 Passesr

Celia Harris Class of 1975 Passes

Ruth Joyner Class of 1946 Passes

Sherry Cox Class of 1952 Passes

Beth Cary Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Durden Class of 1957 Passes

Jimmy Glisson Class of 1963 Passes

Jimmy Hammett Class of 1968 Passes

Frankie Howard Chapple Class of 1978 Passes

Timothy McCauley Class of 1981 Passes

Roy Holladay Class of 1965 Passes

Thomas Michael Pekarchick Class of 1981 Passes

Jim Doty Class of 1943 Passes

Jimmy French Class of 1962 Passes

Gary Selph Class of 1969 Passes

John Wayne Boyd Class of 1967 Passes

Bill Sills Class of 1958 Passes

Ted Lowry Class of 1953 Passed

Added The Class of 2001

Tony Haskins Class of 1976 Passes

Mickey Butler Class of 1979 Passes 

Janet Neely Class of 1967 Passes

Marcus Wallace Class of 1987 Passes

James "Sonny" Daniel Class of 1957 Passes

Ronnie Barker Class of 1968 Passes

Kelly Lynn Mitchell Class of 1997 Passes

Bobby Bouldin Class of 1959 Passes

Tim Joyner Class of 1970 Passes

Rebecca Gambling Class of 1957 Passes

Carol Jean Elkins Class of 1961 Passes

Norman Hillard Class of 1960 Passes

Gary Johnston Class of 1972 Passes

Henry Elbern Turner Class of 1956 Passes

Jimmy Dale Harris Class of 1966 Passes

Patrick Hicks Class of 1990 Passes

Clay Wilson Class of 1973 Passes

Nelle Smothers Class of 1951 Passes

Gina Harrington Class of 1985 Passes

Corey Allen Class of 1997 Passes

Beckie Cole Class of 1964 Passes

Anna Atchley Class of 1966 Passes (Recent found obituary)

Sammie Larkinns Clas of 1855 Passes

Tony Davis Class of 1966 (DNG) Passes

Phyllis Goodman Class of 1964 Passes

Rita Pace Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Aline Cary Class of 1947 Passes

Jerry Young Class of 1960 Passes

Frances Moore Class of 1962 Passes

Cheryl Tucker Anderson Class of 1969 Passes

Joe Hendrix Class of 1974 Passes

Harold Allen Stevens Class of 2008 Passes

Christine Mathis Class of 1942 Passes

David Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Class of 1969 Reunion in 2019

Ted Harrell Presson Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Woodard Class of 1958 Passes

Ryan Bennett Class of 2008 Passes

Melba Luckett, Former Teacher Passes

Nelda King Class of 1962 Passes

Jeffrey Pierce Class of 1985 Passes



CHS Class of 1955

I have scanned the 1955 yearbook. There is an icon at the bottom left corner of the yearbook page for full screen viewing.
Click here to view 1955 Yearbook

View PhotoGallery

 I am only listing the deceased for seniors class members only. They will be displayed * Name. If you know of anyone else, or I have made a mistake, let me know.

The albums in the fifties do not identify all of the students in the lower grades. Some of the students are listed by last name only and some by last name with first initial. I look through other year books to see if I can find and identify students with full names.

The Class of 1955 had 42 Seniors. The faculty consisted of 12 members.


  1. Mrs. W. E. Brower - Math
  2. Doy Brown - Science
  3. Charles V. Cooper - Principal
  4. Mrs. Wes Doty - Business
  5. Mrs. G. S. Funderburk - English
  6. Joe T. Herndon - Superintendent
  7. Mrs. Joe T. Herndon - English
  8. Wade B. Horn - Supervisor
  9. Miss Margaret Jenkins - Director of Band and Glee Club
  10. W. D. King - Health Education
  11. Mrs. Orville Pace - Home Economics
  12. D. L. Smith - Social Science


  1. Frances Jean Austin
  2. * Travis Roland Bennett - Obituary
  3. Wilma Joyce Brown
  4. * James Terrell Caplinger - Obituary
  5. *Mary Lynn Cole - Obituary
  6. Billy Dodd
  7. Martin EasonObitury
  8. Joan Edwards
  9. Barbara Ann Glisson
  10. Cordell Harris Jr. 
  11. Robert Hastings
  12. * Bobby Edd Holley - Obituary
  13. Bobby Lee Hurt
  14. * Jerry Jordan - Need Obituary
  15. Sammie June Larkins - Treasurer
  16. Ada Faye Loveall
  17. Peggy Mabry
  18. Thelma Roberta Liles McMackin
  19. Gene Robert McMackins
  20. Frances Jean Neal - Reporter
  21. Wanda Faye Nolen
  22. Don Orr - Vice-President
  23. Wansie M. (Medlin) Page
  24. * Jimmy Park - Obituary
  25. * Roger Lee Phipps - Obituary
  26. * Kneelad Eugene Prince Obituary
  27. * Wanda Sue Robinson Obituary
  28. Shirley Scott
  29. * Bobby Sharp - Obituary
  30. Ann Stanford
  31. Peggy W. Summers
  32. Jo Ann Vestal - Secretary - Obituary
  33. Joe Martin Walker
  34. Helen Joy Wall
  35. * Charles Walters - Need Obituary
  36. Nellie Sue Ware
  37. * Joe Weatherly - Obituary
  38. * Clyde Wallace Williams - Obituary
  39. * Shella Jean Williams - Obituary
  40. * Malcolm Woods - Obituary
  41. * Bobby Louis Wright - President - Obituary
  42. * Shirley Wyatt  - Obituary
  43. Betty Lou Yarbrough

Members of this class with no picture or did not graduate

  1. * Maggie Ballard Obituary
  2. * James Samuel Brinkley  - Obituary
  3. * Marion Douglas Page  - Died August 16, 1954 (Need Obituary)

* Deceased


  1. Mary Lou Abbott
  2. Samuel Bailey
  3. Monte Bayless
  4. Jimmy Blankenship
  5. Travis Bridges
  6. Winfred Capilinger
  7. Danny Cole
  8. Charles Cunningham
  9. Billy Edwards
  10. Christine Elkins
  11. Raybourne Forrest
  12. Nina Grooms
  13. Joe Harris
  14. Peggy Holder
  15. Maurice House
  16. Billy Howe
  17. Brooxie Jordan
  18. Martha Kee
  19. Wanza King
  20. Bette Lankford
  21. Buddy McMackins
  22. Cora Helen McMackins
  23. Billy Mebane
  24. Maurice Myers
  25. Carolyn Neal
  26. Eugene Noles
  27. Steve Parker
  28. Jean Phipps
  29. Hazel Rogers
  30. Patsy Simmons
  31. Patsy Smith
  32. Pete Smith
  33. Sherry Smith
  34. Larry Spencer
  35. Jo Ann Tucker
  36. Elbern Turner
  37. Hillman Walker
  38. Peggy Watson
  39. Elizabeth Webb
  40. Bobby White
  41. Mary Sue White
  42. Byron Wilson
  43. Norma Wright


  1. Charles Allen
  2. Betty Barnhart
  3. Gerald Beaton
  4. Margie Dean Brown
  5. Dwayne Bunn
  6. Harold Carver
  7. Irene Cary
  8. Sonny Daneils
  9. Carolyn Davis
  10. Val Deeter
  11. Bobbie Jean Dove
  12. Barbara Durden
  13. Barbara Eason
  14. Max Ellis
  15. Johnny Engles
  16. Dorothy Fields
  17. Betty Ford
  18. Rebecca Gamblin
  19. Shelby Glosson
  20. Billy Joe Grooms
  21. Alice Hamlin
  22. James Hamlin
  23. Judy Hampton
  24. Rodney Higdon
  25. Martha Jane Hollingsworth
  26. Paul James
  27. Billy Joe Jordan
  28. Frances Joyner
  29. Bobby Lowe
  30. Charles R. Lowe
  31. Fay Melton
  32. Iris Melton
  33. Jackie Merrill
  34. Travis Nance
  35. Bobby Parish
  36. Virgie Pierce
  37. Jacqueline Pinson
  38. Gauthery L. Pruett
  39. Hal Robinson
  40. Paul Scott
  41. Joan Smith
  42. Lyndel Smothers
  43. Maebelle Smothers
  44. Attie Jo Taylor
  45. Marjorie Vowell
  46. Jean Walker
  47. Billy Wall
  48. Ella Jane Webb
  49. Bucky Wiles
  50. Marie Wright


  1. Marsha Allen
  2. Janice Bell
  3. Bobby Brown
  4. Billy Butler
  5. Brenda Butler
  6. Edward Butler
  7. Jimmy Butler
  8. Norma Jean Carver
  9. Ronald Chaffin
  10. Bob Clark
  11. Kathlene Cooper
  12. Willene Cooper
  13. James Dunn
  14. Jack Fetty
  15. Lelan Foster
  16. Ann Frazee
  17. Kenneth Frazee
  18. Jerry Gilliand
  19. Chessie Glosson
  20. Robert Harris
  21. Norman Herndon
  22. Velma Hicks
  23. Della Hilliard
  24. Shelvie Hodge
  25. Frances Humphrey
  26. Shirley Humphrey
  27. Joe Ed Ingram
  28. Betty Sue James
  29. Virginia Jordan
  30. Virgil Kee
  31. Charles Kizer
  32. Sue Lankford
  33. Bobby Larkins
  34. Danny Laws
  35. Maurice Lee Matheny
  36. Norman Medlin
  37. Doyline Miller
  38. Judy Moore
  39. Bobby Neal
  40. Wilma Noles
  41. Joe Palmer
  42. Patsy Parks
  43. Carol Patterson
  44. Larry Pickler
  45. Charles Prince
  46. Sue Radford
  47. Ann Reiley
  48. Darnell Scott
  49. Billy Dyer Sills
  50. Billy Smith
  51. Sherrell Smothers
  52. Lou Stanford
  53. Edith Jane Summers
  54. Freeland Turner
  55. Marshall Turner
  56. Tilly Turner
  57. Hugh David White
  58. Patsy White
  59. Charles Wilkens
  60. Betty Williams
  61. Donald Williams
  62. Jimmy Williams
  63. Ronald Williams
  64. Barbara Woodard
  65. Newburn Woods

Eighth Grade:

  1. Nadine Ballard
  2. Cordell Brown
  3. James David Brown
  4. Gerald Burcham
  5. Shearl Burcham
  6. Linda Butler
  7. Sammy Cole
  8. Carl French
  9. Jimmy Garvey
  10. Joe Glisson
  11. Nancy Haynes
  12. Jo Ann Hollingsworth
  13. Tommy Houston
  14. Sandra Hudson
  15. Brenda Ingram
  16. Billy Joyner
  17. Frances Lesley
  18. Bobby Matheny
  19. Bryan Millery
  20. Sandra Nance
  21. Bobby Norwood
  22. Nancy Parks
  23. Ralph Pierce
  24. Rose Marie Reilly
  25. Jerry Rowland
  26. Wesley Sarratt
  27. Patsy Smith
  28. Carole Snyder
  29. Ray Snyder
  30. Vernon Spencer
  31. Ernest Thorne
  32. Barbara Williams
  33. Junior Williams
  34. Elton Lee Wiseman
  35. Mickey Wright
  36. Eddie Wyatt

Seventh Grade:

  1. Joel Arnold
  2. Patricia Brown
  3. Patsy Brown
  4. Wallace Cole
  5. Carolyn Cunningham
  6. Jimmy Daws
  7. Darnell Foust
  8. Louellen Glosson
  9. David Hamlin
  10. Norman Hilliard
  11. Bobby Lowe
  12. Priscilla Luther
  13. Carole Markham
  14. Jackie Mitchell
  15. Ted Mitchell
  16. Lynn Pace
  17. Waddell Park
  18. Betty Pierce
  19. Ethel Rodgers
  20. Wilburn Scott
  21. Peggy Smith
  22. Robert Smith
  23. Jerry Smothers
  24. Linda Stegall
  25. Alice Thorne
  26. Joe Billy Walker
  27. Wallace Watson
  28. Wendell Watson
  29. Howard Wright
  30. Jerry Young

Sixth Grade:

  1. Danny Allen
  2. Dotty Lee Baker
  3. Conny Ballard
  4. Sammy Bell
  5. Mary Blankenship
  6. Janice Carey
  7. Carolyn Chaffin
  8. Jerry Cole
  9. Bill Darden
  10. Steve Dove
  11. Carol Jean Elkins
  12. David Fishel
  13. Sally Gilliand
  14. Mary Frances Glosson
  15. Kay Gowan
  16. Carolyn Grooms
  17. Neal Ray Haynes
  18. Karen Herndon
  19. Bobby Higdon
  20. Jimmy Holladay
  21. Joyce Houston
  22. Anne Jordan
  23. Linda Larkins
  24. Larry Mitchell
  25. Johnny Page
  26. Larry Page
  27. Harold Rushing
  28. Elizabeth Sharp
  29. John Ed Sharp
  30. James Smith
  31. Glenda Faye Smothers
  32. Ronald Smothers
  33. Peggy White
  34. Marsha Wilson
  35. Faye Wiseman
  36. Billy Wyatt
  37. Cayce Wyatt