CHS Class of 1950

The 1950 album has 241 students. 34 seniors, 36 juniors, 41 sophomores, 52 freshmen, 22
eighth grade, 35 seventh grade, and 21 sixth grade members.
There are 13 faculty members. 10 high school and 3 elementary school members.
To view the 1950 PhotoGallery, click here.
To view the 1950 Yearbook, click here.

High School Faculty:
- Carline Brower
- R. H. Buckley
- Charles V. Cooper - Principal
- Lucille Doty
- Roas Funderburk
- W. B. Horn
- Joe T. Herndon - Superintendent
- Wade B. Horn
- Katherine Miller
- Evelyn B. Pace
Elementary Faculty:
- Mrs. Jewel Goodman - Sixth Grade
- Miss Margaret Jenkins - Eighth Grade
- Mrs. E. E. Wright - Seventh Grade

- Joan Alexander - Reporter
- Martha Allen
- Sue Armstrong
- Bettye Banks
- Charles Bridges
- Vonnell Brinkley
- Tim Brown
- Floyd Cary
- Nadean Cary
- Melvin Cobb
- Billy Cole
- Bob Cole
- Frankie Cole
- Ronald Cole
- C. V. Cooper,Jr.
- Eulene Cupples
- Christine Deaton
- Betty Herring
- Donald Jordan
- Patsy Joyner
- Charles McAuley - President
- Barbee McMillin
- Ralph Norwood
- Edward Oxford
- Philip Park
- Louise Pickler - Secretary
- Nancy Smith
- Bobby Spoon
- Hopper Taylor
- Ina Belle Vaughn
- Robert Webb
- Elizabeth White
- Betty Wilson - Vice-President
- Carl Wilson

- Gene Arnold
- Sue Ashby
- Joe Bailey
- Ondell Beasley
- Howard Beaton
- Florence Bennett
- Bobby Blackwell
- Alton Boyd
- Joan Butler
- Josephine Carter - Reporter
- Julia Cavender
- Dwight Clark - Treasurer
- Bobby Cole
- Peggy Cox
- Lawrence Edwards
- Betty Funderburk - Secretary
- Willie Guerin
- Louise Hale
- Juanita Hendrix
- Mary Hollingsworth
- Bill Jowers
- Wanda Jowers
- Harold Joyner
- Mattie Lou Kee
- Murrell King
- Sue King
- Greta Luther
- Zoline Massey
- Edward Miller
- Reamon Reynolds - President
- Nell Smothers
- Jacqueline Vowell
- Billy Webb
- Marilyn Wilson
- Betty Womack
- Frances Womack - Vice-President

- Eric Allen
- Junior Bonds
- Harland Campbell
- Carolyn Cole - Reporter
- Harold Cole
- Billy Cooper
- Sherry Cox - Secretary
- Larry Dowdy
- Roscoe Durden - Vice-President
- Baxter Eason
- Clarice Ellis
- Billy Gooch
- Joe Neal Grooms
- Maurine Hammett
- Johnny Haynes
- Joe Neal Jordan
- Mary Kirksey
- Gene Lowe
- Bobbye Mathis
- James McMackins
- Dorothy Norwood
- Johnny Parker
- Bennie Ray Parks
- Shirley Parks - Treasurer
- Radford Pickett - President
- Donald Pickler
- Eugene Radford
- Carolyn Robinson
- Betty Jean Rowland
- Faye Simmons
- Virginia Simmons
- Johnny Smith
- Clara Smothers
- Corneleous Summers
- Charlie Swearingen
- Bobby Vowell
- Freddie Webb
- Billy Williams
- Inez Williams
- Patty Witner
- Dorothy Woodard

- Betty Allen
- Bernice Birdwell
- Margie Boyd
- Leonard Brinkley
- Louise Brinkley
- Bernard Butler
- Peggy Carver - Treasurer
- Allen Cole
- Frances Cooper
- Charles Dillon
- Troy Elkins
- Brenda England
- Veldon Fields
- Evelyn Fowler
- Shelby Fowler
- Dwayne Gamblin - Vice-President
- Betty Glisson
- John Glosson
- June Glosson
- Robert Grooms
- Dwayne Holladay
- Dorothy Hollingsworth
- James Hollingsworth
- Dolores Horton
- Shelly Jordan
- Jane Joyner
- Dennis Kee
- Damon King
- Lamon King
- Nancy Lowry
- Ted Lowry
- Betty McMillan
- Nancy Parks
- Virginia Pinkley
- Gilford Rice
- Aletha Robinson - Reporter
- Marilyn Robinson
- David Roby
- Janis Smith
- Virginia Smith
- Sidney Spence
- Clenoy Taylor
- Sue Taylor
- Paul Thomas - Secretary
- Patricia Turner
- Patricia Turner
- Frances Wall
- Wade Ware
- Charles Williams
- Claudette Wilson
- Gene Wilson
- Perry Wright - President

Eighth Grade: Margaret Jenkins - Teacher
- Phillip Allen - President
- Kenneth Boswell
- Willodean Cary - Vice-President
- Brooxie Durden
- Jimmy Elkins
- Kenneth Eubanks
- Betty Franklin
- Graham Funderburk - Treasurer
- Shirley Glossen
- Carolyn Grissom - Secretary
- Bobby Hollingsworth
- Mary Nell Hurt
- Howard Lankford
- Ralph Lowe - Reporter
- William Luther
- Larry Nesbitt
- B. C. Nunnery
- Audry Randell
- Bobby Robinson
- V. A. Scott
- Rosemary Turner
- Patricia Wright

Seventh Grade: Myrtile Wright - Teacher
- Olean Arnold
- Maggie B. Ballard
- James Caplinger
- Martin Eason
- Joan Edwards
- Barbara Glisson
- Bobby Edd Holley
- Bobby Hurt
- Barbara Jones
- Jerry Jordan
- Bob Taylor Keeton
- Sammie June Larkins
- Roberta Lyles
- Peggy Mabry
- Carolyn McMackins
- Wanzie Medlin
- Frances Neal
- Don Orr
- Marion Douglas Page
- Jimmy Park
- Roger Phelps
- Kneeland Prince
- Rebecca Sarratt
- Shirley Scott
- Bobby Sharpe
- Barbara Smith
- Ann Stanford
- Barbara Taylor
- Joann Vestel
- Helen Walls
- Joe Weatherly
- Clyde Williams
- Shelby Williams
- Bobby Wright
- Shirley Wyatt

Sixth Grade: Teacher - Mrs. Jewel Goodman
- Charmain Arnold
- Louise Ballard
- Monty Bayless
- Jimmy Blankenship
- Travis Bridges
- Winfred Caplinger
- Billy Joe Edwards
- Tommy Giddeon
- Bobby Guerin
- Margaret Hilliard
- Peggy Holder
- Shirley Massey
- Cora Helen McMackin
- Carolyn Neal
- Ira Lee Nunnery
- Steve Parker
- Hazel Rogers
- Bobby Sexton
- Jerry Singleton
- Larry Spence
- Elizabeth Webb