CHS Class of 1946

The 1946 was the first class to have a school yearbook.
There were 156 students with 41 seniors, 37 juniors, 34 sophomores, 44 freshmen
and 7 faculty members,
To view the 1946 PhotoGallery, Click here
To view the 1946 Yearbook, Click here
- Carlene Brower - English, Civics
- Charles V. Cooper - Principal, Algebra I, Algebra II, Plane Geometry
- Joe Ted Herndon - Superintendent, Economics, History
- Anita Herndon - American Literature, Math, Bookeeping
- Wade B. Horn - Biology, Chemistry, Gen. Science
- Mary J. Nicholson - Home Economics
- Clarice Thomason - Ancient History, English, Bible
- Fred Anderson
- Nellie Jo Arnold
- Luke Brown
- Howell Green Butler, Jr.
- Lois Carter
- Patricia Chambers - Reporter
- Lota Clark
- Clifford J. Cobb
- Dorothy Inez Cooper
- Betty Jean Cox
- Evelyn Crutchfield (Valedictorian)
- Robert C. Eason
- Julia Rose George
- Betty Jo Gooch
- Eloise Hammett - Treasurer
- Dora Sue Harris
- Eugene Harris
- Hugh Harris
- Joe H. Herndon
- Ruth Marie Joyner
- Fred Mabry
- Jane Ann Miller - Secretary
- Ralph Mitchell
- Pete Moore
- Nathaniel Parham - President
- Everett Lee Presson
- Bobby Robertson
- Roger T. Robison
- Melba Rogers
- Howard Sherrill - Vice-President
- Laverne Smith
- Walter Smith (Did not graduate) Obituary
- William Marvin Teer
- Houston Turner
- Joe R. Voell (Did not graduate) Obituary
- Charlene Webb
- Ella Jane Webb
- John M. Wells
- A. Boonie White
- Haschal White
- Paschal B. White
- C.B. Williams
- Kenneth Wright

- Juanita Bain
- Billy Bennett - President
- Billy Bobbitt
- Harold Boswell
- Anita Bray
- Aline Cary - Vice-President
- Alice Frances Butler
- Ralph Dolan
- Jeanine Eason
- Doris Fields
- Neil French
- Marie Futrell
- Beatrice Glosson
- Katheryn Haines
- Juanita Hammett
- Howard Herndon, Jr.
- Martha Herring
- Virginia Herring
- Weldon Jordan
- Norma Louise Massey
- Brodie McMackins
- Eugene McMackins
- Ina Bell McMackins
- Ben Allen McPherson
- Nelle Henry Myers - Reporter
- Wade Norwood
- Evelyn Prince
- Wallace Rowland
- Anita Shaw
- Mary Ann Smith
- Walter Smith
- Joe Thompson
- Juanita Usery
- William Derrel Wyatt
- Buddy Webb
- Mary Lou Webb
- John Thomas Wright

- Edith Allen
- Jenny Baker
- Juanita Bonds
- James Bookout
- Harold Cole
- Joan Cole
- Betty Corlew - Treasurer
- Louise Crawley - President
- Garland England
- Rebecca Forrest
- Robert French
- Peggy Garvey
- Opal Glosson
- Annie M. Green
- Jonnie B. Hammett
- Elwanda Hatley
- Fort Wayne Hopper
- Bennie L. Hurt
- Martha James
- Ruth Johnson
- John R. Jordan
- Lynn Jowers
- John L. Moore
- Joe Donald McCadams
- Sadie Mae Puckett
- Robert Roach - Vice- President
- James Reeder
- Douglas Robertson
- Cornelia Smith
- James R. Smith
- Bobby Snider
- Jimmy Vowell - Reporter
- Rosemary Williams
- Ruth Williams

- Gene Abbott
- Earl Anderson
- Billy Bargatze
- Billie Jean Beasley
- Wilma Jean Birdwell
- Harry Bookout
- Timothy Brown
- Wilmuth Butler
- Ronald Cole
- Floyd Cole, Jr.
- James Crabb
- Wilford Deaton
- Lura Dean Douglas
- Frank Durden
- Aaron Edwards
- George Edwards
- Ruby Eubanks
- Joan Fulghum
- Doy Lee Freeland - Treasurer
- Billy Gene Greene
- Billy Hargrove
- Mabel Haynes
- Nancy Herring
- Joyce Hester
- Jane Higgason
- Brooxie Hodge
- Houston Hurt - Vice-President
- Billy Thomas Johnson
- Donald Jordan
- Patsy Joyner
- Gaylon Lowe
- Charles Neal
- Dorothy Faye Pars
- Ross Pendergrass
- Johnny Pinson
- Martha Jo Prince
- Lucille Rumley - President
- Joan Scates
- Charles Smith
- Horace Smith
- Robert Webb
- Dorothy Lee Wilson
- Dorothy Williams
- Paul Williams