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Mark Arnold Class of 1977 Passes

Teri Coleman Class of 1971 Passes

Betty Robbins Class of 1964 Passes

 Junior Abbott Class of 1968Passes

Carolyn Neal Class of 1956 Passes

  Tracye Jernigan Class of 1983 Passes

Donald Williams Class of 1958 Passes

Virgie Lee Pierce Class of 1957 Passes 

Douglas Bullington Class of 1967 Passes

Virginia Smith Class of 1953 Passes

Angie Nance Class of 1990 Passes

Sheryl Tolbert Class of 1966 Passes

Doris Arnold Retired Teacher's Assistant Passes 

Tonya Laws Class of 1983 Passes

Deborah Blackwell Class of 1968 Passess

Pete Smith Class of 1956 Passes

Robert Earl Smith Class of 1969 Passes

Mary Virginia Mebane Retired Teacher Passes

Jerry Cole Class of 1961 Passes

Darryl Snyder Class of 1962 Passes

Charlotte Hollingsworth Class of 1974 Passes

Jerry "Pee Wee" Massey Class of 1965 Passes

Joe Donald Grooms Class of 1965 Passes

Kenneth Walker Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Glisson Class of 1955 Passes

Gene Lowe Class of 1952 Passes

Billy Dodd Class of 1955 Passes

Kenneth Frazee Class of 1958 Passes

Cordell Harris, Jr. Class of 1955 Passes

Ronnie Joyner Class of 1962 Passes

Carole Snyder Class of 1959 Passes

Patricia Fowler Class of 1967 Passes

Kenneth Pinkston Class of 1973 Passes

Marsha Roberts Class of 1974 Passes

James Williams Class of 1986 Passes

Kevin Rogers Class of 1980 Passes

Cayce Wyatt Class of 1961 Passes

Ina Belle Vaughn Class of 1950 Passes

Jimmie Lee Hendrix Class of 1965 Passes

Regina Arnold Class of 1974 Passes

Robert Brown Class of 1985 Passes

Gayle Lampley Class of 1966 Passes

 Ralph Mitchell Class of 1946 Passes

Peggy Howe Class of 1961 Passes 

Aby Hampton Class of 1995 Passes

Rita Rushing Class of 1963 Passes

Sandra Allen Class of 1963 Passes

Jerry Kelley Class of 1965 Passes

Jane Webb Class of 1946 Passes

Sue Johnson Class of 1971 Passes

Carolyn Evans Walters Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Hamton Class of 1963 Passes

Ruth Smothers Class of 1971 Passes

Joe "Red Bear" Harrington Class of 1963 Passes

Darren Wilks Class of 1978 Passes

Karen Kortvely Class of 1965 Passes

Michael Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Betty Ford Class of 1957 Passes

Carolyn Bond Retired Teacher's Aid

Luke Kee Class of 1963 Passes

Karen Hampton Lifsey Class of 1968 Passes

Marjorie Vowell Class of 1957 Passes

Dawn Pekarchick Class of 1976 Passes

hilip McMillin Class of 1969 Passes

Joan Butler Class of 1951 Passess

Glenda Robison Class of 1964 Passes 

Class of 1967 Reunion in 2022

Floyd Cole Class of 1949 Passes

Julia Cavender Class of 1951 Passes

Bobbie Jean Dove Class of 1957 Passes

Rickey Lee Bowker Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Ann Pierce Class of 1967 Passes

Renee Hopper Class of 1973 Passes

Charles Melton Class of 1973 Passes

Bethany Wright Class of 1975 Passes

Mark Edward Jameson Class of 1985 Passes 

Troy Smothers Former School Board Member Passes

Natalie Park Class of 1985 Passes

John Davis Class of 1985 Passes

Added The Class of 2004

Gail Shawl Class of 1971 Passes

Jonte Willis Class of 2002 Passes

Added Class of 2005

Loretta Harris Class of 1962 Passes

Jimmie Turneer Class of 1960 Passes

Debbie Durden Class of 1974 Passes

Jimmy Carey, Jr. Cass of 1989 Passes

Mark Campbell Class of 2009 Passes

Carolyn Ellis Class of 1967 (DNG) Passes

 Added The Class of 2003

Paul Williams Class of 1966 Passes

Added The Class of 2002

James Larry Cooper Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Lou Reed Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Zachary Knuutila Class of 2010 Passes

Gene McMackins Class of 1955 Passess

John Lewis Class of 1981 Passes

Ray Luther Class of 1968 Passes

Bobby Joe Geans Class of 1958 Passes

Joseph Hernndon Class of 1966 Passes

Bobby Blankenship Class of 1968 Passes

Joe Barker Class of 1963 (DNG)

Corey Emerson Class of 2016 (DNG)

Preston Young Class of 2013 Passes

Nicholas Baker Class of 1997 Passesr

Celia Harris Class of 1975 Passes

Ruth Joyner Class of 1946 Passes

Sherry Cox Class of 1952 Passes

Beth Cary Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Durden Class of 1957 Passes

Jimmy Glisson Class of 1963 Passes

Jimmy Hammett Class of 1968 Passes

Frankie Howard Chapple Class of 1978 Passes

Timothy McCauley Class of 1981 Passes

Roy Holladay Class of 1965 Passes

Thomas Michael Pekarchick Class of 1981 Passes

Jim Doty Class of 1943 Passes

Jimmy French Class of 1962 Passes

Gary Selph Class of 1969 Passes

John Wayne Boyd Class of 1967 Passes

Bill Sills Class of 1958 Passes

Ted Lowry Class of 1953 Passed

Added The Class of 2001

Tony Haskins Class of 1976 Passes

Mickey Butler Class of 1979 Passes 

Janet Neely Class of 1967 Passes

Marcus Wallace Class of 1987 Passes

James "Sonny" Daniel Class of 1957 Passes

Ronnie Barker Class of 1968 Passes

Kelly Lynn Mitchell Class of 1997 Passes

Bobby Bouldin Class of 1959 Passes

Tim Joyner Class of 1970 Passes

Rebecca Gambling Class of 1957 Passes

Carol Jean Elkins Class of 1961 Passes

Norman Hillard Class of 1960 Passes

Gary Johnston Class of 1972 Passes

Henry Elbern Turner Class of 1956 Passes

Jimmy Dale Harris Class of 1966 Passes

Patrick Hicks Class of 1990 Passes

Clay Wilson Class of 1973 Passes

Nelle Smothers Class of 1951 Passes

Gina Harrington Class of 1985 Passes

Corey Allen Class of 1997 Passes

Beckie Cole Class of 1964 Passes

Anna Atchley Class of 1966 Passes (Recent found obituary)

Sammie Larkinns Clas of 1855 Passes

Tony Davis Class of 1966 (DNG) Passes

Phyllis Goodman Class of 1964 Passes

Rita Pace Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Aline Cary Class of 1947 Passes

Jerry Young Class of 1960 Passes

Frances Moore Class of 1962 Passes

Cheryl Tucker Anderson Class of 1969 Passes

Joe Hendrix Class of 1974 Passes

Harold Allen Stevens Class of 2008 Passes

Christine Mathis Class of 1942 Passes

David Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Class of 1969 Reunion in 2019

Ted Harrell Presson Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Woodard Class of 1958 Passes

Ryan Bennett Class of 2008 Passes

Melba Luckett, Former Teacher Passes

Nelda King Class of 1962 Passes

Jeffrey Pierce Class of 1985 Passes



Hollow Rock-Bruceton Central High School Class of 1989

The CHS Class of 1989 Graduated 57 seniors. Kenneth Andrew Baker (Obituary) died before graduating.

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Buddy McMackins - School Superintendent
Steve Wilkinson - High School Principal
Robert Cursey - Elementary Principal
Suzanne Wilkes - Supervisor of Instruction


Suzanne Eason - Administrative Secretary
Martha Freeland - High School Secretary
Jutta Hildebrand - Bookkeeper
Pat Walters - Elementary Secretary

School Board Members:

Pat Patterson - Chairman
Roland Barnhart - Vice-Chairman
Harold Carver
Dennis Kee
Clara King

High School Faculty:

  1. Ivory Adkisson  - English
  2. Bobby Baker  - Band
  3. Barbara Barnhart  - Chapter One
  4. Phyllis Cooper  - English
  5. Paulette Crews  - Guidance
  6. Jerrianne Garrett  - Resource
  7. Susan Hill  - Typing and Business
  8. Don F. Jenkins  - English and Chorus
  9. Geneva Johnson  - Librarian
  10. Terry Jones  - Social Studies
  11. Edith Lancaster  - Mathematics and Chorus
  12. Jack Lucas  - Social Studies
  13. Jenny May  - Spanish
  14. Jackie Mcgee  - Health and Physical Ed.
  15. Melanie Minyard  - Mathematics
  16. Jerry Neal  - Science
  17. Larry Robison  - Science and Economics
  18. Buddy Smothers  - Social Studies and P.E.
  19. Doris Smothers  - English
  20. Rod Sturdivant  - Science and Physical Ed.
  21. Betty Welsh  - Resource Aide
  22. Teresa Williams  - Resource
  23. Joe T. Wood  - Science, Math, and P.E.

Elementary Faculty:

  1. Doris Arnold - Aide
  2. Dennis Blackwell - Sixth Grade
  3. Ida Edwards - First Grade
  4. Sandra Hartsfield - Third Grade
  5. Kathy Hines - Chapter I
  6. Joann Hughes - First Grade
  7. Betsy Kee - Health and Physical Ed.
  8. Janice Lowry - Second Grade
  9. Jenny May - Librarian
  10. Rita Mcgee - Second Grade
  11. Joyce Mcmackin - Kindergarten
  12. Mary Mebane - Fourth Grade
  13. Debra Moore - Comprehensive Education
  14. Martha Neal - Fifth Grade
  15. Cathy Pardue - Second Grade
  16. Patsy Park - Aide
  17. Marsha Pickett - Fifth Grade
  18. Trudy Radford - Resource
  19. Judy Roberts - Fourth Grade
  20. Betty Robison - First Grade
  21. Kathy Ross - Kindergarten
  22. Annette Smith - Kindergarten
  23. Janie Smothers - Third Grade
  24. Gail Walker - Sixth Grade
  25. Ella May Wyatt - Third Grade

Bus Drivers:

  1. Bruce King
  2. Sammy Park
  3. Pasy Higdon
  4. Janoah Young
  5. Patty Joyner
  6. Mattie Morgan
  7. Sandra Wilson


  1. Darrell Edwards
  2. Steve Brown
  3. Callie Kelley
  4. Annie Edwards

Cafeteria Workers:

  1. Evelyn Rook - Cafeteria Supervisor
  2. Kathy Hunt
  3. Shirley Arnold
  4. Sherry Birdwell
  5. Peggy Higdon
  6. Janie Smothers
  7. Joan Hayes
  8. Evelyn Hampton
  9. Mary Nell McMackins
  10. Patsy Walters


  1. James Kevin Abbott
  2. Christopher Wayne Barker
  3. Brian Keith Bishop
  4. Tammy Sue Bryant
  5. Robert Trevor Caldwell
  6. Andy Ray Carey
  7. Jimmy Don, Jr. Carey
  8. Amy Beth Clark
  9. Jon Christian Cottingham
  10. Paul J. Courtright
  11. Thomas Dillingham
  12. Michael Scott Evans
  13. Lawrence Peter Fenti
  14. Kimberly Dawn Florence
  15. David Carl French
  16. Stacie Harwell Haller
  17. Leigh Ann Hampton
  18. Pamela Gail Harrington - Obituary 
  19. Robert Dale Harris
  20. Christi Michelle Hastings
  21. Tracy Renee Hicks
  22. Kathie Baker Himes
  23. Sandra Faye Hollingsworth
  24. Terry Frank Hollingsworth
  25. William Roy Hopper
  26. Stacey Ann Jackson
  27. Cedric Deshown Jamison
  28. Pravicel Jamison
  29. Karlon King
  30. Lisa Dianne King
  31. Tara King
  32. Sharon Kay Ledbetter
  33. Eric Danta McCauley
  34. Kimberly Dawn McDade
  35. Angela Dawn McMackin
  36. Bonnie Gayle McMackins
  37. Leonard Newton Nance
  38. Juliet Lee Nunamaker
  39. Santos Artemio Orellana - No photo available
  40. Karen Jane Pace
  41. Eric Junior Parker
  42. Janorofer Rene Parker
  43. Randall Lee Patterson
  44. Tyler Lynn Pearson
  45. Darren Martez Posey
  46. Bradley Thomas Reed
  47. Laura Mae Reynolds
  48. Michael Carl Roberts
  49. Shannon Matthew Robinson
  50. John Mark Robison
  51. Sonya Renee Rummage
  52. Nelson M. Santiago
  53. James Robert Selph
  54. Jenny Leigh Sisson
  55. Rex Terry Turner - No photo available
  56. John Christopher Welsh
  57. Michelle Ann Yoder