1958 Central
Class has ‘Happy Days’ Reunion

REUNION – On the front row (from right) are Janice (Bell) Lowry,
Wilma (Noles) Kilmon, Norma (Hodges) Hedges, Sue (Lankford) Arnold, Jane (Summers) Gardner, Chessie (Glosson)
Wardlaw, Anne (Reilly) Martin, Patsy (Park) King, and Barbara (Woodard) Wallace. On the back row (from right)
are Donald Williams, Kenneth Frazee, Bill Butler, Marshall Turner, Larry Pickler, Joe Palmer, Bob Clark, Jimmy Butler, Jim Williams, and Norman
The 1958 graduating class of Hollow Rock-Bruceton Central High School celebrated their
“Happy Days” 55
th reunion at Mallard’s
Restaurant in Huntingdon at 5 p.m. on July 6. The class began with 65 members as freshmen and graduated with 46.
Thirteen members are deceased. Nineteen of the remaining 33 attended with 13 accompanied by spouses, giving a total
of 32 present. The tables were attractively decorated with the blue and white school colors. Bud vases containing
blue hydrangeas, blue table runners and blue napkins adorned the white table covering. Butterfly gem favors created
and designed by Leigh Boxell, daughter of class member Janice Bell Lowry, and mints made by Janice completed the
place settings. A memorabilia table was prepared for class members’ viewing. The emcee for the evening was Donald
Williams. Kenneth Frazee honored the memory of the deceased members by name. He shared timely thoughts on life and
then a candle was lit to burn during the evening in their memory. Larry Pickler said the blessing after which the
group enjoyed the delicious food that was individually ordered and served graciously by Katlin Haywood. During the
visiting and reminiscing, many memories were recalled through items taken from the ’57-58 Tiger School newspapers.
Norma Carver Hedge shared “Can You Imagine” and a special personal tribute to Joe T. Herndon. “Dear Santa Letters”
were read by Bill Butler. All participated in the “Hit Parade” by matching members with songs from the senior year.
Sue Lankford Arnold led all in a Truth-Lie game. Donald shared e-mails from non-attending members. He then awarded
door prizes to 15 members who met specific criteria. The evening concluded with the “Alma Mater” and group
pictures. All expressed they enjoyed the fun and relaxed fellowship at Mallard’s for the
Days.” [Source: Carroll County NEWS-LEADER]