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Mark Arnold Class of 1977 Passes

Teri Coleman Class of 1971 Passes

Betty Robbins Class of 1964 Passes

 Junior Abbott Class of 1968Passes

Carolyn Neal Class of 1956 Passes

  Tracye Jernigan Class of 1983 Passes

Donald Williams Class of 1958 Passes

Virgie Lee Pierce Class of 1957 Passes 

Douglas Bullington Class of 1967 Passes

Virginia Smith Class of 1953 Passes

Angie Nance Class of 1990 Passes

Sheryl Tolbert Class of 1966 Passes

Doris Arnold Retired Teacher's Assistant Passes 

Tonya Laws Class of 1983 Passes

Deborah Blackwell Class of 1968 Passess

Pete Smith Class of 1956 Passes

Robert Earl Smith Class of 1969 Passes

Mary Virginia Mebane Retired Teacher Passes

Jerry Cole Class of 1961 Passes

Darryl Snyder Class of 1962 Passes

Charlotte Hollingsworth Class of 1974 Passes

Jerry "Pee Wee" Massey Class of 1965 Passes

Joe Donald Grooms Class of 1965 Passes

Kenneth Walker Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Glisson Class of 1955 Passes

Gene Lowe Class of 1952 Passes

Billy Dodd Class of 1955 Passes

Kenneth Frazee Class of 1958 Passes

Cordell Harris, Jr. Class of 1955 Passes

Ronnie Joyner Class of 1962 Passes

Carole Snyder Class of 1959 Passes

Patricia Fowler Class of 1967 Passes

Kenneth Pinkston Class of 1973 Passes

Marsha Roberts Class of 1974 Passes

James Williams Class of 1986 Passes

Kevin Rogers Class of 1980 Passes

Cayce Wyatt Class of 1961 Passes

Ina Belle Vaughn Class of 1950 Passes

Jimmie Lee Hendrix Class of 1965 Passes

Regina Arnold Class of 1974 Passes

Robert Brown Class of 1985 Passes

Gayle Lampley Class of 1966 Passes

 Ralph Mitchell Class of 1946 Passes

Peggy Howe Class of 1961 Passes 

Aby Hampton Class of 1995 Passes

Rita Rushing Class of 1963 Passes

Sandra Allen Class of 1963 Passes

Jerry Kelley Class of 1965 Passes

Jane Webb Class of 1946 Passes

Sue Johnson Class of 1971 Passes

Carolyn Evans Walters Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Hamton Class of 1963 Passes

Ruth Smothers Class of 1971 Passes

Joe "Red Bear" Harrington Class of 1963 Passes

Darren Wilks Class of 1978 Passes

Karen Kortvely Class of 1965 Passes

Michael Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Betty Ford Class of 1957 Passes

Carolyn Bond Retired Teacher's Aid

Luke Kee Class of 1963 Passes

Karen Hampton Lifsey Class of 1968 Passes

Marjorie Vowell Class of 1957 Passes

Dawn Pekarchick Class of 1976 Passes

hilip McMillin Class of 1969 Passes

Joan Butler Class of 1951 Passess

Glenda Robison Class of 1964 Passes 

Class of 1967 Reunion in 2022

Floyd Cole Class of 1949 Passes

Julia Cavender Class of 1951 Passes

Bobbie Jean Dove Class of 1957 Passes

Rickey Lee Bowker Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Ann Pierce Class of 1967 Passes

Renee Hopper Class of 1973 Passes

Charles Melton Class of 1973 Passes

Bethany Wright Class of 1975 Passes

Mark Edward Jameson Class of 1985 Passes 

Troy Smothers Former School Board Member Passes

Natalie Park Class of 1985 Passes

John Davis Class of 1985 Passes

Added The Class of 2004

Gail Shawl Class of 1971 Passes

Jonte Willis Class of 2002 Passes

Added Class of 2005

Loretta Harris Class of 1962 Passes

Jimmie Turneer Class of 1960 Passes

Debbie Durden Class of 1974 Passes

Jimmy Carey, Jr. Cass of 1989 Passes

Mark Campbell Class of 2009 Passes

Carolyn Ellis Class of 1967 (DNG) Passes

 Added The Class of 2003

Paul Williams Class of 1966 Passes

Added The Class of 2002

James Larry Cooper Class of 1967 Passes

Mary Lou Reed Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Zachary Knuutila Class of 2010 Passes

Gene McMackins Class of 1955 Passess

John Lewis Class of 1981 Passes

Ray Luther Class of 1968 Passes

Bobby Joe Geans Class of 1958 Passes

Joseph Hernndon Class of 1966 Passes

Bobby Blankenship Class of 1968 Passes

Joe Barker Class of 1963 (DNG)

Corey Emerson Class of 2016 (DNG)

Preston Young Class of 2013 Passes

Nicholas Baker Class of 1997 Passesr

Celia Harris Class of 1975 Passes

Ruth Joyner Class of 1946 Passes

Sherry Cox Class of 1952 Passes

Beth Cary Class of 1969 Passes

Barbara Durden Class of 1957 Passes

Jimmy Glisson Class of 1963 Passes

Jimmy Hammett Class of 1968 Passes

Frankie Howard Chapple Class of 1978 Passes

Timothy McCauley Class of 1981 Passes

Roy Holladay Class of 1965 Passes

Thomas Michael Pekarchick Class of 1981 Passes

Jim Doty Class of 1943 Passes

Jimmy French Class of 1962 Passes

Gary Selph Class of 1969 Passes

John Wayne Boyd Class of 1967 Passes

Bill Sills Class of 1958 Passes

Ted Lowry Class of 1953 Passed

Added The Class of 2001

Tony Haskins Class of 1976 Passes

Mickey Butler Class of 1979 Passes 

Janet Neely Class of 1967 Passes

Marcus Wallace Class of 1987 Passes

James "Sonny" Daniel Class of 1957 Passes

Ronnie Barker Class of 1968 Passes

Kelly Lynn Mitchell Class of 1997 Passes

Bobby Bouldin Class of 1959 Passes

Tim Joyner Class of 1970 Passes

Rebecca Gambling Class of 1957 Passes

Carol Jean Elkins Class of 1961 Passes

Norman Hillard Class of 1960 Passes

Gary Johnston Class of 1972 Passes

Henry Elbern Turner Class of 1956 Passes

Jimmy Dale Harris Class of 1966 Passes

Patrick Hicks Class of 1990 Passes

Clay Wilson Class of 1973 Passes

Nelle Smothers Class of 1951 Passes

Gina Harrington Class of 1985 Passes

Corey Allen Class of 1997 Passes

Beckie Cole Class of 1964 Passes

Anna Atchley Class of 1966 Passes (Recent found obituary)

Sammie Larkinns Clas of 1855 Passes

Tony Davis Class of 1966 (DNG) Passes

Phyllis Goodman Class of 1964 Passes

Rita Pace Class of 1969 (DNG) Passes

Aline Cary Class of 1947 Passes

Jerry Young Class of 1960 Passes

Frances Moore Class of 1962 Passes

Cheryl Tucker Anderson Class of 1969 Passes

Joe Hendrix Class of 1974 Passes

Harold Allen Stevens Class of 2008 Passes

Christine Mathis Class of 1942 Passes

David Higdon Class of 1974 Passes

Class of 1969 Reunion in 2019

Ted Harrell Presson Class of 1967 Passes

Barbara Woodard Class of 1958 Passes

Ryan Bennett Class of 2008 Passes

Melba Luckett, Former Teacher Passes

Nelda King Class of 1962 Passes

Jeffrey Pierce Class of 1985 Passes



Hollow Rock-Bruceton School Yearbook of 1967

1967 PhotoGallery

The following text pages were not part of this yearbook, but was compiled from this book. The 1967 album has 768 students with 606 students in the Bruceton School and 162 students in the Hollow Rock School.

There are numerous names misspelled in this album. I will not correct those names.

The numbers by class are listed below.

Bruceton High School & Elementary School

  • Seniors: 48
  • Juniors: 53 
  • Sophomores: 67
  • Freshmen: 55
  • Eighth Grade: 52
  • Seventh Grade: 
  • Sixth Grade, Class 1: 27 (Teacher: Mrs. Kathy Ross)
  • Sixth Grade, Class 2: 29 (Teacher: Mrs. Oneita Price)
  • Fifth Grade, Class 1: 27 (Teacher: Mrs. Ruth Elkins)
  • Fifth Grade, Class 2: 28 (Teacher: Mrs. E. M. Howard)
  • Fourth Grade: 32 (Teacher: Mrs. Lerah Raines)
  • Third & Fourth Grades: 25 (Teacher: Mrs. Elva King)
  • Third Grade: 31 (Teacher: Mrs. Dot Baker)
  • Second Grade: 33 (Teacher: Mrs. Lillian Blair)
  • First Grade: 30 (Teacher: Mrs. Annette Smith) 

The Bruceton High School and Elementary School has 20 faculty members, 12 high school and 9 elementary school members. Mr. Reed is the elementary principal and taught both high school and elementary school.   

Bruceton High School Faculty:

  1. Mrs. W. E. Brower (Math & English - B.S. in Social Studies)
  2. Mr. Charles V. Cooper (Principal, Mathematics, Sociology - B.S. in Social Studies)
  3. Mrs. Glen S. Elkins (Home Economics - B.S. in Home Economics)
  4. Mr. Joe Ted Herndon (Superintendent - M.A. in Education)
  5. Mrs. Joe T. Herndon (English, Guidance Director, M.A in Education)
  6. Miss Margaret Jenkins (Music & English - A.B. in English)
  7. W.D. King (Physical Education & Social Sciences - B.S. in Physical Ed.)
  8. Mrs. F. D. Lamneck (Commercial Department - A.B in English, French, and Science)
  9. Mr. Jack Lucas (History & Biology - B.A. in History)
  10. Mr. Harold Reed (Principal of Elementary School, Physics - B.S. in Health, Soc. Sc., & Physical Education - M.A. in Education, & Health Education)
  11. Miss Marjorie Smith (French, English - B.S. in Education)
  12. Miss Oklemae Walker (Library & Science - M.A. in Education)

Bruceton Elementary School Faculty:

  1. Mrs. Dorothy Baker - Third Grade
  2. Mrs. Lillian Blair - Second Grade
  3. Mrs. Ruth Elkins - Fifth Grade
  4. Miss Margaret Jenkins - Eight Grade
  5. Mrs. Jewel Goodman - Sixth Grade
  6. Mrs. Laura Keeton - Fourth Grade
  7. Mrs. Lerah Raines - First Grade
  8. Mr. Harold Reed - Principal and High School Grade Teacher
  9. Mrs. E. E. Wright - Seventh Grade


  1. Natalie Yarbrough Adams 
  2. Jackie Lee Allen 
  3. John Michael Anderson 
  4. Shirley Diane Arrington 
  5. Daniel Martin Birdwell 
  6. Ricky Lee Bowker - Reporter
  7. John Wayne Boyd - Treasurer
  8. Paul Douglas Bullington - Sergeant-at-Arms
  9. Harold Ray Carey 
  10. James Larry Cooper 
  11. Vickie Rowe Cox 
  12. Marjorie Nell Douglas 
  13. Robert Dennis Eason 
  14. Helen Ann Epperson 
  15. Patricia Hollingsworth Fowler 
  16. Cheta Melinda Garton 
  17. Peggy Joyce Geurin 
  18. Gaylen Brent Greer - Vice-President
  19. Vivian Williams Grooms 
  20. Sammy Lee Hall 
  21. Thomas Lee Hall 
  22. Alice Lou Hampton 
  23. Virginia Ruth Hampton 
  24. Charles Larry Hicks 
  25. Joy Lou Hodge 
  26. Troy David Hollingsworth 
  27. Diane Yvonne Hudson 
  28. Linda Carol Hurt 
  29. Brenda Sue James 
  30. Sue Welborn Joyner 
  31. Tommie Laurene Lankford 
  32. Sarah Lynn Lawrence 
  33. Judy Christine May - Secretary
  34. Billy Thomas Patterson 
  35. Sandra Lynn Pickler 
  36. Mary Ann Pierce 
  37. Ted Harold Presson 
  38. David Lee Robinson 
  39. James Ray Robinson 
  40. Michael Henry Rogers 
  41. Jerry Wayne Rummage 
  42. Joe Max Smith 
  43. Susan Rebecca Taylor - President
  44. Marvin Earl Tharpe 
  45. Kenneth Brian Walker 
  46. James Donnie Walters 
  47. Linda Carol Watson 
  48. Ann Webb Wilkes 


  1. Ronnie Barker
  2. Deborah Blackwell
  3. Bobby Blankenship - Sergeant-at-Arms
  4. Juanita Burcham
  5. Norma Butler
  6. Shirley Butler
  7. Sarah Cavender - Secretary
  8. Grover Crutchfield
  9. Eva Lena Dupree
  10. Eva Rena Dupree
  11. Dorothy Eason
  12. Donald Finch
  13. Raymond Finch
  14. Jimmy Foster
  15. Joan Greengrass - Reporter
  16. Becky Grooms
  17. Brenda Grooms
  18. Linda Grooms
  19. Jimmy Hammett
  20. Judy Hendrix
  21. Larry Hicks
  22. Linda Higdon (Picture not available)
  23. Margaret Jamison
  24. Diane Jordan
  25. Linda King
  26. Sandra Kirk
  27. Karen Hampton Lifsey
  28. Ray Bob Luther
  29. Charlotte Maness
  30. Gary McGee
  31. Jerry Medlin
  32. Chris Morphis
  33. Jerry Neal - President
  34. Judy Neal
  35. Brenda Nesbitt
  36. Andrea Noles
  37. Pam Noles
  38. Pat Norden
  39. Billy Norwood
  40. Donna Ozier
  41. Howell Reeves
  42. Kathy Replogle
  43. Linda Robbins
  44. Wanda Robbins - Treasurer
  45. Dorsey Schoonover
  46. Nelda Smothers
  47. Wanda Smothers
  48. Steve Teague
  49. Joyce Thorne - Vice President
  50. Patricia Tosh
  51. Joyce Watson
  52. Effie Weathers
  53. Terry Williams


  1. Junior Abbott 
  2. Tony Anderson 
  3. Joe Bennett 
  4. Eddie Birdwell 
  5. Nancy Birdwell 
  6. Dennis Blackwell 
  7. Karen Bond 
  8. Carol Budka 
  9. Lynn Bullington 
  10. Diane Butler 
  11. Joe Butler - President
  12. Ray Butler 
  13. Carol Carver 
  14. Beth Cary 
  15. Martha Cary 
  16. Dwayne Cole 
  17. Judy Cole 
  18. Donald Coleman 
  19. Steve Cook 
  20. Larry Crews 
  21. Sherman Devault 
  22. Dale Durdin 
  23. Fredrick Eason 
  24. Loretta Edwards 
  25. Vicki Ellis 
  26. Carolyn Evans 
  27. Lois Finerty 
  28. Raymond Forrest 
  29. Roy Forrest 
  30. Eddie Foster 
  31. June Foster 
  32. George Garner 
  33. Gwen Hall 
  34. Michael Hall - Sergeant-at-Arms
  35. Shirley Hampton 
  36. Gary Hedge 
  37. Joan Horn 
  38. Bruce Hurt 
  39. Bobby Jordan 
  40. David Jordan 
  41. Marsha Jordan -Secretary
  42. Harold Joyner 
  43. Jamie Joe Lawrence 
  44. Sandra Littleton 
  45. Ricky Lowe 
  46. Dale Massey (Not Pictured)
  47. Kaphy Murphy 
  48. Judy Noles 
  49. Glen Pinkston 
  50. Judith Pinson - Treasurer
  51. Larry Rogers 
  52. Mary Ann Rogers 
  53. Judy Ross 
  54. Gary Selph 
  55. David Shawl 
  56. Robert Smith 
  57. Kathy Jo Smothers - Reporter
  58. Joan Stepp 
  59. Spencer Tolbert 
  60. Cheryl Tucker 
  61. Rex Turner 
  62. Brent Vick 
  63. Cheri Wallace 
  64. Larry Watson 
  65. Tommy Webb 
  66. Terry Williams - Vice-president
  67. Bobbie Jo Winter 


  1. Judy Allen 
  2. David Barnhill 
  3. Louis Bogle 
  4. Joyce Bryant 
  5. Dennis Butler 
  6. Patricia Cary - Reporter
  7. Steven Cary 
  8. Robert Cooper - Vice-president
  9. Wanda Crider 
  10. Karen Dove 
  11. Kathi Dove 
  12. Emma Dunlap 
  13. Ronnie Dyer 
  14. Murray Ford 
  15. Lois Foster 
  16. Jennifer Freeland - Treasurer
  17. Brenda French 
  18. Kenneth Garton 
  19. Linda Harrington 
  20. Rena Hedge 
  21. Darrell Hester 
  22. Donald Higdon 
  23. Johnny Hollingsworth 
  24. Bobby Joe Hollowell 
  25. Nancy Horton 
  26. Marna Hudspeth 
  27. David Jordan 
  28. Linda Joyner 
  29. Tim Joyner - Sergeant-at-Arms
  30. Anne Morrow Keeton 
  31. Judy King 
  32. Billy Lowe 
  33. Harold Lowe 
  34. Larry McEwen 
  35. Larry McMackins 
  36. Diane Murchinson - Secretary
  37. James Nesbitt 
  38. Linda Nesbitt 
  39. William Pace 
  40. Nelson Park 
  41. Phyllis Park 
  42. Teddy Pierce 
  43. Cindy Pruitt - President
  44. Danny Roberts 
  45. Steve Rook 
  46. Mary Katherine Sade 
  47. Buddy Smothers 
  48. Linda Swift 
  49. Linda Thorne 
  50. Larry Turner 
  51. Buddy Webb 
  52. Leo Wilkinson 
  53. Janet Willis 
  54. Janis Willis 
  55. Richie Wood 

Eight Grade:

  1. Rosa Lee Bayless
  2. Pam Bowker
  3. Joyce Bryant
  4. Janice Butler
  5. Janet Cole
  6. Johnny Cole
  7. Lynn Cole
  8. Teri Coleman
  9. Eddie Cooper
  10. Joanne Corlew
  11. Dawn Cox
  12. Ronald Crouse
  13. Roy Douglas
  14. Eddie Gene Dupree
  15. Donna Elkins
  16. Johnny Ellis
  17. Johnny Finerty
  18. Tommy Finerty
  19. Ricky Foster
  20. Joan Gordon
  21. Evon Hampton
  22. Gary Hendrix
  23. Sandra Hester
  24. David Higdon (Picture not available)
  25. Barry Hopper
  26. Marva Hudspeth
  27. Sue Johnson
  28. Pam Jordan
  29. Renee Joyner
  30. Eva May King (Picture not available)
  31. Kay Lawrence
  32. Pam Maddox
  33. Sue Maness
  34. Jenny May
  35. Jimmy Rex McMillin
  36. Dorothy Melton
  37. Johnny Moore
  38. Nan Moore
  39. David Noles
  40. Jenny Noles
  41. Sandra Noles
  42. James Roy Parrish
  43. Michael Pratt
  44. Terry Pruitt
  45. Patsy Replogle
  46. Keith Scott
  47. Gail Shawl
  48. Bobby Tharpe
  49. Keith Turner
  50. Rhonda Walters
  51. Eddie Wright
  52. Melanie Wright

Seventh Grade:

  1. Ava Lou Abbott
  2. Susan Bayless 
  3. Michael Bond 
  4. Jan Butler 
  5. Susie Capps 
  6. Pam Cary 
  7. Brenda Chandler 
  8. Kevin Cunningham 
  9. Alice Eason 
  10. Hal Eason 
  11. Gary Edwards 
  12. Martha Edwards 
  13. Betty Foster 
  14. Kathy Green 
  15. Sandra Hall 
  16. Belinda Hampton 
  17. Tommy Hampton 
  18. Charlie Hendrix 
  19. Phyllis Higdon 
  20. Susan Hill 
  21. Wessley Hill 
  22. Mary Lou Hilliard 
  23. Tommy Hilliard 
  24. Carol Hollingsworth 
  25. Jimmie Lee Johnson 
  26. Gary Johnston 
  27. Rickey Jordan 
  28. Ann Lawrence 
  29. T. J. Mebane (Picture Not Available)
  30. Pat Murphy 
  31. Shirley Nesbitt 
  32. Larry Noles 
  33. Gail Park 
  34. Pamba Pierce 
  35. Timmy Pierce 
  36. Kenneth Pinkston 
  37. Charlotte Pinson 
  38. Larry Robison 
  39. Pat Rogers 
  40. Mark Rook 
  41. Joy Scott 
  42. Marcia Siegel 
  43. Ida Thorne 
  44. Janie Turner 
  45. Jean Watson 
  46. Larry Webb 
  47. Evonne White 
  48. Randle Williams 

Sixth Grade:
Teacher: Mrs Kathy Ross

  1. Mike Anderson
  2. Alan Arnold
  3. Kathy Arrington
  4. Joy Carey
  5. Vickie Chester
  6. Donna Cole
  7. Anita Dickerson
  8. Kenneth Edwards
  9. Mark Edwards
  10. Donnie Finerty
  11. Jimmy Hillard
  12. Ellen Hollingsworth
  13. Bobbie Horn
  14. Kathy Horton
  15. Richard Hurt
  16. Willie Johnson
  17. David Jordan
  18. Randy McMackin
  19. Carolyn Mebane
  20. Mike Melton
  21. Sherry Ozier
  22. Theresa Pickler
  23. Gary Presson
  24. Michael Replogle
  25. Mary Shawl
  26. Kathy Tosh
  27. Roger Walters

Fifth Grade:
Teacher: Mrs. Ruth Elkins

  1. Mike Arrington
  2. Peggy Butler
  3. Mark French
  4. Mike Griggs
  5. Lesa Hampton
  6. Dale Hester
  7. Glenda Hester
  8. Sharon Hicks
  9. Mike Higdon
  10. Molly Hill
  11. Patricia Holt
  12. Greg Hopper
  13. Lynn Lankford
  14. Jerry Lawrence
  15. David McEwen
  16. Tony Melton
  17. Jane Miller
  18. Charlotte Nesbitt
  19. Cooper Park
  20. Margaret Parker
  21. Jimmy Rogers
  22. Cathy Rook
  23. Susan Shawl
  24. Susan Siegel
  25. Joan Smith
  26. Mike Walters
  27. Elizabeth Williams

Fourth Grade, Class 2
Teacher: Mrs. E. M. Howard

  1. Denice Birdwell
  2. Pamela Crouse
  3. Roger Dale Crouse
  4. Deborah Durden
  5. Ted Faust
  6. Betsy Freeland
  7. Mickie Futrell
  8. Doris Grooms
  9. Randy Hedgepath
  10. Joe Hendrix
  11. Janet Higdon
  12. Dianne Hollingsworth
  13. Lesa Hopper
  14. Debbie Jordan
  15. Joan Jordan
  16. Retha Ann King
  17. Bobby Lowe
  18. Doris Mebane
  19. Allen Pierce
  20. Eric Reeves
  21. Marsha Roberts
  22. Joseph Robinson
  23. Kenneth Rogers
  24. Wanda Rogers
  25. Debbie Scates
  26. David Taylor
  27. Vickie Utley
  28. Chris Wright

Fourth Grade:
Teacher: Mrs. Lerah Raines

  1. Anita Butler
  2. Robert Capps
  3. Kenneth Chandler
  4. Perry Cook
  5. Sherrie Doty
  6. J. R. Dupree
  7. Darlene Durden
  8. Dale Elkins
  9. Mary Finerty
  10. Melodie Futrell
  11. Judy Glisson
  12. George Green
  13. Gary Hampton
  14. Mitchell Higdon
  15. Michael Hopper
  16. Ted Hurt
  17. Janice Johnson
  18. Kathy Joyner
  19. Betty Lampley
  20. Lesa Mathis
  21. Sherry Moore
  22. Pam Murphy
  23. Benjamin Pearson
  24. Thomas Scroggins
  25. Early Selph
  26. Susan Teague
  27. Gary Walker
  28. Penny Walters
  29. Laura Webb
  30. Donna Wilkinson
  31. Bethany Wright
  32. Derek Wyatt

Third & Fourth Grades:
Teacher: Mrs. Elva King

  1. Barnhill Alicia
  2. Leach Betty
  3. Butler Carolyn
  4. Ezell Cathy
  5. Douglas Danny
  6. Johnson Danny
  7. Pruitt Debra
  8. King Dennis Earl
  9. Hampton Dotsy
  10. Cole Gary
  11. Green Gay
  12. Webb Janie
  13. Hilliard Jenneth
  14. Griggs Jennifer
  15. Higdon Judy
  16. Arrington Mark
  17. King Mark
  18. Presson Michael
  19. Williams Michael
  20. Douglas Pamela
  21. Smith Randall
  22. King Rosalyn
  23. Hedge Theresa
  24. Moore Timothy
  25. Riley Timothy

Third Grade:
Teacher: Mrs. Dot Baker

  1. Joanna Anderson
  2. Richard Bayless
  3. Danny Brinkley
  4. Lesa Coleman
  5. Sherry Conway
  6. Patsy Foreman
  7. Randy French
  8. Joan Holder
  9. Mark Johnson
  10. Debbie Jordan
  11. Cindy Joyner
  12. Dennis Key
  13. Debrah King
  14. Michael King
  15. Tommy King
  16. Berry Mitchell
  17. Terry Mitchell
  18. Anthony Noles
  19. Sheila Noles
  20. Joyce Pardue
  21. Dawn Pekarchick
  22. Kay Pierce
  23. Rickey Rogers
  24. Kenneth Scates
  25. John Thorne
  26. Ricky Turner
  27. Martha Utley
  28. Kim Weatherly
  29. Wanda Williams
  30. Debbie Wright
  31. Dana Young

Second Grade:
Teacher: Mrs. Lillian Blair

  1. Mark Arnold
  2. Garth Birdwell
  3. James Butler
  4. Randy Butler
  5. Kim Chester
  6. Cathy Cook
  7. William Cooper
  8. James Ray Douglas
  9. Ricky Durdin
  10. Keith Eason
  11. Beverly Grimble
  12. Pamela Hedgepath
  13. James Higdon
  14. Wanda Hilliard
  15. Shelli Hopper
  16. Becky Horton
  17. Betty Horton
  18. James Johnson
  19. Keith King
  20. Linda Morris
  21. Billy Neely
  22. Edward Ozier
  23. Bonnie Sue Pardue
  24. Tony Park
  25. Dianne Pearson
  26. Larry Pruitt
  27. Michael Scates
  28. Debbie Scoggins
  29. Gregory Thorpe
  30. Donna Watson
  31. Bridget Weatherly
  32. Ben Williams
  33. Tammy Williams

First Grade:
Teacher: Mrs. Annette Smith

  1. Stan Anderson
  2. Caryl Jean Bailey
  3. Marty Batte
  4. Mike Bryant
  5. Carl Cansler
  6. Rex Crouse
  7. Patricia Easley
  8. Ellen Eason
  9. LeAnn Eason
  10. Steven Farrar
  11. Cathy Higdon
  12. Cindy Hill
  13. Brad Hurley
  14. Terry Johnson
  15. Cindy Jordan
  16. Donna King
  17. Bill Kortvely
  18. Jeanie Lowe
  19. Karen Luther
  20. Don McKelvy
  21. Julie McMillian
  22. Tena Neely
  23. Debbie Norwood
  24. Dana Pekarchick
  25. Clay Riley
  26. Alan Sarratt
  27. Ray Tharpe
  28. David Turner
  29. Christopher Webb
  30. Mitchell Young

Hollow Rock Elementary Faculty:

  1. Mrs. Lucille Arnold (Kindergarten Director) 
  2. Mrs. Nona Clark
  3. Mr. Wade B. Horn
  4. Mr. H. H. Howard 
  5. Mrs. Ledford Lowry

Hollow Rock Elementary School

  • Seventh & Eight Grades: 35
  • Fifth & Sixth Grades: 39
  • Third & Fourth Grades: 36
  • First & Second Grades: 32
  • Hollow Rock-Bruceton Kindergarten: 20

Seventh & Eighth Grades:
Teacher: Mr. H. H. Howard

  1. James Baker
  2. Jimmy Bennett
  3. Robert Burcham
  4. Larry Cary
  5. William Cavender
  6. Randy Cole
  7. Billy Ray Edwards
  8. Debbie Eubanks
  9. Carolyn Forrest
  10. Wayne Forrest
  11. Billy Green
  12. Diane Grooms
  13. Andy Hampton
  14. Junior Hampton
  15. Mary Hampton
  16. Cathy Jamesson
  17. Betty Lou Kee
  18. Florence King
  19. Clay Maxwell
  20. Wayne McMackins
  21. Mattie Morgan
  22. Rickey Pinson
  23. Patty Robinson
  24. Vickie Rogers
  25. Billy Russell
  26. Sammy Simmons
  27. Ruth Smothers
  28. Debbie Tolbert
  29. Joyce Turner
  30. Joe Williams
  31. Phyllis Williams
  32. Grant Willis
  33. Johnny Willis
  34. Dolan Wilson
  35. Bruce Winter

Fifth & Sixth Grades:
Teacher: Mrs. Ledford Lowry

  1. Patsy Balentine
  2. May Jean Campbell
  3. Ricky Crews
  4. Rita Crews
  5. Glynn Crider
  6. Michael Durdin
  7. Lisa Eubanks
  8. Gertrude Forrest
  9. Shirley Foster
  10. Sharon Green
  11. Glenda Hampton
  12. Charlotte Hollingsworth
  13. Charles Jamison
  14. Jerry Jamison
  15. Larry Jamison
  16. Wanda King
  17. John Leach
  18. Debbie Matheny
  19. Danny Noles
  20. Sharon Noles
  21. Buford, Jr. Norden
  22. Lindel Pinson
  23. Bergen Powell
  24. Mark Powell
  25. Joyce Presson
  26. Robert Riggs
  27. Kenneth Robbins
  28. Danny Robinson
  29. Sandra Robinson
  30. Mary Jane Russell
  31. David Simmons
  32. Byron Smothers
  33. Glenda Swift
  34. Rosanna Thorpe
  35. Kathy Tolbert
  36. Randy Williams
  37. Dela Jean Willis
  38. Homer Willis
  39. Susanne Winters

Third & Fourth Grades:
Teacher: Mr. Wade B. Horn

  1. Donald Balentine
  2. Mikey Bennett
  3. Kirk Campbell
  4. Kenneth Cary
  5. Malisia Cary
  6. Mark Devault
  7. Debra Dodd
  8. Patsy Edwards
  9. Diane Eubanks
  10. Steven Eubanks
  11. Dennis Forrest
  12. Edith Forrest
  13. Carl Hampton
  14. Patsy Hampton
  15. Larry Ivy
  16. Charles Key
  17. Bettie Leach
  18. Cindy McMackin
  19. Brent McMackins
  20. David Noles
  21. Vicky Noles
  22. Sammy Park
  23. Ricky Patterson
  24. Tracy Powell
  25. Carroll Presson
  26. David Riggs
  27. Philip Rogers
  28. Teddy Sauls
  29. Eddie Stone
  30. Cindy Tolbert
  31. Larry Williams
  32. Maurice Williams
  33. Shirley Williams
  34. Larrie Willis
  35. Robert Willis
  36. Willie Willis

First & Second Grades:
Teacher: Mrs. Nona Clark

  1. Karen Allen
  2. Kay Balentine
  3. Allen Campbell
  4. Michael Caplinger
  5. Kathy Crider
  6. Keith Crider
  7. Lester Crutchfield
  8. Barbara Forrest
  9. Joseph Forrest
  10. Sue Forrest
  11. Sherrie Futrell
  12. Lori Grooms
  13. Teresa Grooms
  14. James Hampton
  15. Kimberly Hampton
  16. Richard Hinckley
  17. Pansy Hollingsworth
  18. Brenda James
  19. Allen Jamison
  20. Linda Jamison
  21. Terry Noles
  22. Barbara Pace
  23. Ernest Smothers
  24. Vickie Swift
  25. Billy Taylor
  26. Darren Wilks
  27. Donnie Williams
  28. Robert Williams
  29. Timmy Williams
  30. Inez Willis
  31. Roger Willis
  32. Sharon Winters